I think they said divot, as in when I saw a polo match and they told us to beware the steaming divot.

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And he was the "Star"!!! FFS

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What, no mention of Trump's singlehanded creation of Eastern Bloc Golden Shower Tourism?

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If it weren't for our children & grands, my wife and I would be in Canada before you could say Tim Horton. We have guaranteed income, good to go.

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Ending democracy as we know it?

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I am convinced that Axios piece was satire. Because anyone who wrote that while meaning that would instantly cease to breathe having forgotten how. Fair sure of that.

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Not to mention Isis is pretty much still there and not very defeated. Workin on it! But still around

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The tree in my backyard has grown consistently under my watch, if by "my watch" you mean occasionally letting my Wheaten "water" and "fertilize" it.

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Oh, look, you've correctly identified the problem with saying "Polls say that a majority of Americans want an investigation into Mueller".

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I'm pretty sure that Iraqis and Iranians and other Moslems defeated ISIS with our help, not the other way around.

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I started reading Politico when he left.

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Wow, what a truly stupendous nick

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Trump is good at Pyrrhic Victories. THE BEST. Ask anyone.

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mara liassom had almost the exact same analysis on ATC this afternoon.

barf people.

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Among Axios' investors are the Kochs. Just sayin'.

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I can help a little on the proud to be black thing: for a couple centuries us blacks were considered stupid, ugly and worthless. Black pride was a repudiation of that kind of conditioning. Most people who talk about black pride don’t hate white people. (Isn’t it cool of me to speak for every black person n the USA??-I kid!)

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