I had to call Ayanna's office in October (actually it may have been September) and tell her assistant answering the phone to back the fuck off publicizing her bill she was introducing to the House to impeach Kavanaugh because we had a Govs race here in Kentucky and that shit would be like Kim Davis all over again and we didn't need that shit in the last month of a Gov. election in KY. All for impeaching Kav, but G-damn Massachusetts, we're not all Massachusetts out here in the hinterlands! Guy I spoke with in her office was very nice, actually knew who Kim Davis was because he went to college in KY at the time she was grossing us all out with her BS and helped give us Bevin in the first place. Her bill was going no freaking where until after Nov 2020 and I faced palmed all over the place with WTFs. I am grateful that we didn't hear any more about that during our election where we did the damn near impossible and beat Bevin. Had her bill gotten more attention, it could have meant the Gov election for us. So....I love the newbies in congress too, but they still need experience to realize (TIMING!) and what goes on in the country outside their own bubbles, especially in important elections in parts of the country they are apparently not familiar with politically or otherwise. Rant over. Carry on Ayanna, go get 'em now.

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Last week at work I was bullied in staff meeting by our site admin, not for the first time, for shit that this person had mismanaged (not for the first time). I'm spending this week at a week-long statewide meeting of co-workers, including this person and the co-workers who sat in the meeting with either their heads down or their jaws hanging open, and who stayed silent. In a way, I didn't blame the administrator so much any more, because it is consistent with who this person is. But I find myself avoiding my co-workers, and thinking things like "complicit" and "tacit agreement", which I have decided perhaps is unfair on my part. The truth is that I don't know what they were thinking and I'm not holding them responsible for failing to speak. That's history, in the past, and unchangeable. But I know this about myself now: if it happens to someone else in my presence, I will not sit silent. I don't care if I lose a job over it. I will not allow people to be verbally abused and bullied in my presence, because if I do, my silence is giving them cause to think I agree with that behavior, and that's not something I'm willing to have anyone believe about me. Now that I've had a chance to think this through and make a decision, I have a plan in place. You cannot change what happened, although I suspect that if there was a day in your life where you could have a do-over, that one would be on the short list. All we can do is change what we do from here on out, and make a commitment not to let an opportunity like that pass us by. When we know our hills, we know ourselves, and that's one worth a last stand.

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Thanks, I certainly identify with the Xers. I make video games, for instance.My dad was in WW11 which is one of the qualifiers, but my parents were almost 40 when they had me.

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Thanks, I value your opinion.

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Can't you just call them assholes and be done with it?

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Every single generation-nickname "analysis" I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot) has the same analytic power, and the same amount of genuine useful insight.


Lost generation, greatest, silent, boomer, X, Z, millenial -- all granfalloons, all distractions that prevent understanding.

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Oh good it's not just me.

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Carpe, I know your heart is in the right place. But,the Koch brothers are not Boomers, nor is Evil Dick Cheney, they are the previous generation. And there are many vulture capitalists that are boomers, but why tar the rest of us for those rapine madmen? Words mean what they mean, lets all fix the shit.

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People can always choose to protest injustice in less direct ways, but that isn't really how we work through social problems. It pisses people off because it's a rejection of contrived authority. You could ask women wearing pussy hats and marching for reproductive rights if they could boo and hiss from the comfort of home, but I doubt it would be received well there either.

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What?!? Does Pressley NOT know how "controversial" it is for female friends to have thier own opinions?

In any case it's time to break out the white gloves for the "not-a-real-progressive" Purity inspection. https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Jer is the only person I've blocked here. Well, I don't count the Cletus impersonators.

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Agree completely, thanks.

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Yeah, I don't really disagree either, although I don't think the tone police just now showed up (the terms of criticism and targets have certainly changed at different points in time though). My main problem, however, is that all this insistence on (generational, in this case) division is really problematic, politically speaking. Historical connections among groups are muted or forgotten, for example, while contrast and conflict are emphasized. And who gains from these divisive tactics / comments etc.? Who loses? (And I don't mean generations; I mean which groups or political practices or ideologies, etc?)

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I do. And he's still far, far, far less dangerous than Pence.

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yeah, well, it could give him some momentum and help with fundraising. Definitely not my first choice, but if he is the nominee I will vote for him.

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Edit, never mind. I am A Idiot.

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