Boebert, greene and gaetz all say these controversial statements because you have to go crazier and crazier to get those nutjob donors to keep giving you money.

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Supreme Court decisions like Brown v. Bd of Educ, Obergefell v. Hodges, Gideon v. Wainwright, Roe v. Wade, Miranda v. Arizona gave a kick in the pants to changing the culture. But that may be ended with the Roberts Court.

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Maybe. That's getting closer, but still doesn't have the same negative force as does "whore."

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I’d email Scott “Fuck Face” Perry to support it, but what would be the point?

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They eat less paste, too.

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At the rate they’re going, they’ll soon be shouting, “n****r, n****r, n****r,” like Lee Atwater once lamented they could do any more.

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Definitely kindergarten libelz.

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Whoever thought we could see crazier female shitheads than Palin or Bachmann? (crazier male shitheads,sure)Naive though we were, there’s plenty of reason to believe that Bobert and Greene—who are indeed bugfuck nuts—will soon be surpassed by an even newer and more cracked breed of Republican women.(not to worry. There will be no shortage of bugfuck nutty men, whose ranks grow steadily)

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Of course she does! You just don't know what it is, yet. :-)

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They were elected on this poison, and they know it.

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The good kind, apparently

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Ages ago, I thought that too - now, the corruption and malice that inhabits her are just overwhelmingly something, something, something just below the skin

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I'm glad to hear it changed.

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Just goes to show the whole gender (and ethnicity, and disability, etc) imbalance exists no matter where you work--Boebert & Green really do need to work twice as hard at being nutbar crazy than their male conservative colleagues to be taken seriously (e.g. Tom Cotton).

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There's always the chance they can get primaried for not being able to actually do anything to "own the libs" once they're in office. Like, "you elected Boebert to show up those swank limousine liberals in DC, but she got booted from her committees and ended up just standing there like a moron. Elect me, and I'll really put their noses out of joint!"

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