I love Jimmy Carter so much. He is a truly decent Christian man.

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"They will still have damaged him irreparably."

No they won't. Not in any way that matters. His donors will still be paying his credit card bills and his vote on the SCOTUS will still count as much as RBG's.

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But they already know. And most of them don't care. In fact, you're neglecting that probably most Trump voters approve of having a beer-swilling rapist who lies about it on the SCOTUS. They approve of rape for uppity women and they approve of white people lying to get their own way.

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I was referring more to Trump than Boof. I should have been more clear about that.

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I've heard this bullshit before. "Don't talk about what he did bc you'll hurt the people who think he's great"

No, he hurt those people. They just don't know it yet.

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I wuz just thinking as I walked the dog about Chelsea Clinton being insulted by John McCain (making a lesbian innuendo about Hillary and Janet Reno having a baby) and having to hear about her dad's penis and getting a blow job and thought, whatever Kavanaugh's daughters have heard, none of it was that bad. To call Kavanaugh "a big baby" insults infants who are wonderful and magical.

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whoa, trigger warning pleez! (get it?) That "rat" looks like a squirrel with a skinny tail although they are both kinda cute.

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Children of a beast often do know it. And if they don't it's best they find out.

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This is not bothsiderism...*In the US at least (world wide?) the right wing thinks that being cruel to the weak makes them strong. It doesn't.

The left thinks that being weak means they're nice. It doesn't.

Being nice to others is the opposite of being mean to them. These are behaviors. Strong and weak are personality characteristics. Trump is a clear example of somebody who is unimaginally cruel, and pathetically weak. Congressman Elijah Cummings is an example of somebody who is nice, but who clearly is not weak.

Progressives often find their grit when they or someone they care about are in danger. Examples include forming unions; telling their children that no, they can't have any candy before dinner; and testifying in court.

For now, sure, follow the law. But impeach. Tell the moderates that moderation will not stop NAZIs. Send money to the right people; join in the correct demonstrations. And understand that this country may turn real ugly and violent. Be prepared for that.

* It is a claim that the two ends of the current US political spectrum are opposites.

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Ta, Stephen.

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And earlier rather than later. It messes less with your worldview that way....

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"Daddy is a bad man when he's drunk"?If true, they probably know it already.

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Huh. Went back and looked. Not doing it for me, but enjoy!

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I notice Laura doesn't have the same level of sympathy for the children of Christine Blasey Ford, who, a year after her testimony, are all still in hiding from death threats after being doxxed.

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Yeah, but he's a fine, upstanding Christian white man who coaches girls' basketball and enjoys the occasional beer; while she's a lying witch who just wants to destroy him over what was probably a harmless joke, if it even happened in the first place, and if it did it was probably her leading him on, the hussy. (/sarcasm, although I would hope that isn't really necessary)

I hate these people so much.

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Audience sits in stunned silence, finally broken by one set of hands slowly clapping. And then another. And then the tsunami of applause thunders in as the people stand, tears rolling down their cheeks. Damnit, Stephen. Damnit.

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