When you're standing next to Ron Watkins, and he's the sane one in the picture, there is a problem.

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This is a cool EP


20 minutes it has a SUPER-DUPER COOL Song

Kansas City rocks!

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Ah yes the 8kun, kiddy porn network guy.

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When I read this I thought "nah that's an Oniion post." Now verified that Candace did indeed say that vile stuff.

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She’s a quack, so of course she’s the GOP front runner. She lacks any grasp of facts or reality, apart from whatever she hears on Fox News. Wingnuts will readily sacrifice their own family members to gun violence because more guns means more freedom. It’s all they understand. You can’t possibly be free in a nation void of violence.

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You should not talk abut New Zealand and Indonesia like that. It hurts their feelings.

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A former coworker took his new wife to meet his family in Melbourne over Christmas. She stepped off the plane, was hit in the face by 45 degree heat, and almost turned around and got back on the plane.

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Ding ding ding!

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TBH the interviewer was, well, not very good, talking over her when it didn't matter and letter her go on without pushback when it did, and the "your man Donald" was a dumb barb.

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Yes. She judges it desirable.

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...7 years of college down the drain...

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They follow the teachings of our founding father, The Benjamins

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Ask Dangled Turnip. He managed to lose Arizona recently.

And Georgia.

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The author obfuscates being held without conviction, with being held without charge. Deliberately misleading and pointless, and is not the same thing as what the candidate was talking about.

Clearly she wants "OSHA goons" charged with violation of people's rights, which is specific.

The author seems unaware that in some states inter-state travellers were required to quarantine for up to 2 weeks, at their own expense, in a hotel. One state had started the process to build a dedicated quarantine 'camp', surrounded by 8 foot razor-wire topped fences. The federal government was widely criticized by the loud COVID panicked people for not building quarantine camps fast enough and instead leaving it up to States (who actually have responsibility for that, with the exception of international visitors)

Predictably the author also muddies Australian gun statistics by including firearms suicides. You as a normal citizen are not any less safe because someone ELSE suicides by gun. Also as generally one discharge is enough, the method of action, design, shape, ammunition capacity etc of the firearm is irrelevant.


What the author leaves out about Australian gun laws is that: in some States, a rape alarm is classed in the same level of restriction as a machine gun, military flamethrower, or anti-tank rifle. In other States, having a bag that catches brass that ejects from a firearm, is an offence. In several States, having a toy that shoots gel beads and could never, ever fire real ammunition, will get you charged as if you owned a real machine gun or handgun unlawfully - which can mean jail time. Airsoft is universally banned everywhere. Paintball requires a license in all bar one State.

All-in-all, the author should have done their research much better.

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Demi-lich apotheosis imminent...

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