I’ll reserve judgment until I hear from DT Jr. when he gets to LD50 dosage

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My dog is still not home from the doctor. I miss him so much.

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Fann protested that Lah wasn't answering her question, but just telling her "what the data says."How dare you answer my questions with facts instead of wild speculation that I can twist to my advantage?

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All of them, Evan! All of them! (Thanks for this headline 🥰)~The Other Katie

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This just in from AZ: Precednent Karen going full Karen!

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Maricopa Co Supervisor Bill Gates recalled a phone call with AZGOP Senate President Karen Fann last November, as Republicans faced crushing anger from pro-Trumpers: “She said, ‘Look, Bill, we know there’s nothing to this, but we’ve got to do something, will you guys do an audit?”So, she knows there's nothing to it, yet catering to the insane Trumpers means she feels she HAS to keep doubling down, even as the audit becomes more and more of an embarrassing fustercluck.

This is becoming the worst example of the sunk cost fallacy ever. So how much can you keep doubling down before you just plain Go Bust?

(Edited to fix formatting.)

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Why can I so easily see her using the same tone of voice asking "Does THIS look medium well to YOU?"

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I hope all turns out good.

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What I noticed most about her big "gotcha" question was that Karen kept wanting to talk about how people "felt" and what they "believe" about the election and wanted nothing to do with "data."

This is part of the problem with these fucking people. Everything is about their emotional reaction. How Trump makes them "feel." What they "believe" about the election.

I read an article a while back about a small-town who was getting a nursing degree and how it was changing her relationship with her husband. She was off learning new skills and meeting new people and going new places... and he was still doing the same job he did out of high school, hanging out with all of the guys he knew from high school doing the same things they always did. And he made a big point about how he was "rational" and kept his wife from being "too emotional."

But when they talked she was all about what she had seen, who she had met, facts she had learned, etc. He was all about how he felt about Trump, what he believed about America, what he thought of her getting a degree. In other words, it was pretty much the exact opposite of what he claimed, as his wife seemed to take in the world as a fairly straightforward observer and he couldn't get a sentence out of his mouth about anything without making the focus on how he felt about it.

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It’s telling that she asks the idiotic question, “you sayin’ there was NO dead voters or people doin’ fraud? Huh? Huh?” As election officials have explained to these imbeciles repeatedly, a handful of bad ballots doesn’t spoil an election of this size. Over 150 million people voted. That’s a metric fukton of votes. The limited number of known bad votes amounts to .000000001% or some shit of the total, and many of those were weirdo Trumpers committing fraud. This is ridiculous and dangerous as hell. But watch what happens when Cyber Ninjas finds 7 faulty ballots in over 2 million. The story will be ALL about the “sinister seven.” “How did this HAPPEN???” How many MORE are there in Michigan, GA, PA? We told you there was frauds, and SEE! Frauds!!!

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Gee, I wonder what teaches people that beliefs and feelings are better than facts and evidence?

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