i wish we could move them out of here.

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Comedy - you haz it!

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Here in Virginia there are a lot of conservatives that would love to see completely unrestricted carrying of guns. I eagerly await the day that I give back an exam and a pissed-off unbalanced student shoots me.

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With an Official State Handgun*, Arizona is leading the nation in job creating solutions. This bill alone will help the gun, ammunition and ambulance sectors. _______________ * bill sponsored by Target

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I sometimes wonder if we as a nation should invoke some superpower to dissolve a state's sovereignty and revert it back to a territory. In Arizona's case we would give it back to the Native Americans or Mexico along with a nicely phrased letter saying "have a nice day."

Those fucking Teabaggers in Sun City would fill their kalostomy bags if they learned they were cutoff from Medicare and Medicaid.

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