"Why would he run away, and then go into a shed? We suspect foul play, and even more, we have a theory: it was the same guy O.J. Simpson is looking for. If he has any leads, we'll contact you ASAP."

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I know, it's horrible! There was room in there for two more! People like that deserve to be put out of business.

--Koch Bros

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"I didn't do it, IT WAS <i>THE ONE-ARMED MAN!</i>"

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“We had a dog that was a digger and we didn't know about it. He dug a hole and Sherman and Parker somehow got out of the hole. We are out looking for them right now … my wife, my girls are out looking for them. And they just found them! Ah, excellent. All's well. Wait, no, hey oh no! Some illegal aliens just stole all of the dogs! STOP, DOG THIEVES!! And it looks like they just headed across the border! And oh my cell phone is about to " CLICK

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It's only "odd" if you assume that the owners of the dog-boarding facility, who kept 28 goddam dogs in a "shed" and turned the maintenance of the facility over to some rando Flake, gave a shit about anything except the boarding fees.

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ok. i'm heading over to TLO for some fashion and snark now.

see you all later.

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What an amateur. That's not even enough for a vest, let alone a fur coat.

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and are registered at conception to vote.

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If a dog chewed through the power cord, there should be one electrocuted dog and 19 with heat exhaustion. Something doesn't add up.

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A new monster, the chupaperro.

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