Mom and crying baby a Democrat Party plant to attempt and miserably FAIL to embarrass Glorious Orange Leader in 5...4...3...2...

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Buy some earplugs Don.

While you're about it find a plug for your mouth and your nose.

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Pam's a piker. If she knew anything, she would have said "Democrat Schools," just to turn up the whiny whitey level to 11.

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You're a thought criminal!

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Please tell us when you're doing snark. With Trump, it's impossible to tell.

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He is quite the kid. :)

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Someone told me today at work that Donald Trump kicked a baby out of a rally. Briefly, very briefly, I thought he was going to stop at just "kicked a baby" and the horrible thing is that I would not have been surprised.

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Ugh. The 10 yr old. We live in the republicanyist district in all of republicany Colorado Springs. My 15 yr old kiddo hears this shit on the daily, and it is only going to get worse now that is election season. Thankfully, he has Euro History this year and not Civics, cuz he gets fired up about politics and it could get ugly this year.

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And in contrast, remember this from our wonderful President?https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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That creature is way too cute to be a Republican.

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It was one of Romney's grandsons. Obama shook his hand:

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That's a classic. Cracks me up every time.

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Jealous of a baby. Worried about being upstaged by a baby.

It's barely August and I've run out of synonyms for sociopath.

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The man likes a challenge and hates women, maybe his goal is to get elected without a single vote from a woman? Then he can govern like the asshole he is because he knows he's untouchable.

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The apple never falls far. How often we are reminded of this.

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Being stuck in a political rally crowd is already really stressful and fucked up. It's not like a crying baby can make it that much worse.

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