Barack Obama may not be very good so far at reducing unemployment, ending wars, fixing the federal budget, closing Guantanamo or telling John Boehner to shut the hell up, but he can still quiet a screaming infant when the need arises.
Sorry to hear about your joblessnessessess, I've been there before for way too long for comfort. It will eventually get better, and you should really really try to resist that urge to rob and pillage, punch kittens, piss on flower beds, salt the earth, sell drugs, pimp/whore, or anything else that may result in prison time. That shit looks bad on a résumé, even it seems like a good idea at the time. However, growing medical marijuana in CA is always an option.....
meteorite? Seriously, that's all you got? You must really be the short, hunchbacked, pants wetting, self-hating troll your mother says you are.
By the way, you mom ain't much to look at. It's not until she takes out her teeth that the magic happens.
sigh...ok. I like him again.
No one knows...but I do know he's no man.
Ye gods, yer a dick. I bet you're short too.
b/c there are no funny trolls.
Sorry to hear about your joblessnessessess, I've been there before for way too long for comfort. It will eventually get better, and you should really really try to resist that urge to rob and pillage, punch kittens, piss on flower beds, salt the earth, sell drugs, pimp/whore, or anything else that may result in prison time. That shit looks bad on a résumé, even it seems like a good idea at the time. However, growing medical marijuana in CA is always an option.....
meteorite? Seriously, that's all you got? You must really be the short, hunchbacked, pants wetting, self-hating troll your mother says you are.
By the way, you mom ain't much to look at. It's not until she takes out her teeth that the magic happens.
or telling John Boehner to shut the <strike>hell</strike> fuck up.
Obama is President of Babies.
(But, this is America, so we already knew that, right?)
After seeing this video half of the Republican candidates will drop out of the race the other half will get erections.
Pick up Johnny Boner, toss him over your shoulder, and start bouncing, Barack. He&#039;ll stop sobbing in no time.
Then put him in time out.
Simply an old Kenyan Socialist Muslim mind trick.