
Meanwhile back at the Lazy GOP ranch...http://therichardli.com/wp-...

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I know what JCPOA really stands for -Jesus Christ ! President Orange (is an) Asshat !

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From a guy who went to his first nuclear weapons briefing and asked "why can't we just use this shit?"

And nuclear triad? Wha?

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Operative word: YET

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I don't have first-hand experiences but to my knowledge the Iranian people are INCREDIBLY tolerant, welcoming, and understanding.

It's the upper-crust government plutocrats that are the hardcore asshat fundamentalists.

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Neil Bush (et al) has a lot to answer for.https://daily.jstor.org/pub...

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By some accounts, neither did 70% of the US voting population. But, you know, you have to trust the democratic voting system for some reason. No one really explains why you have to trust it. Like no one really explains why 'America, love it or leave it' makes any dam sense.

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Better start now, before our internet access deteriorates any more.

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I thought it was a diplomat that corrected Tom Cotton, who was writing stupid letters in an effort to undercut Obama's ability to negotiate, well, anything.

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Nikki Haley did this to her into the good graces of AIPAC

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Pizza in general is the worst kind of food combination you can have. You've got bread, tomato ( an acid fruit) and cheese, all of which are digested using different stomach enzymes. Now you add sugar which goes badly with bread and you've got an even bigger mess. You want to know the real root of American problems? Its diet ( and possibly vegan baby buttholes) also canned clams.

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Lips and assholes

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I think the real killer thing about pizza is when it's dripping with cheese and cheap olive oil and everything on it is fried too. Its basic ingredients, a thin crust, fresh tomatoes, a reasonable amount of cheese seem perfectly fine (and we eat some version of that frequently, whether it's a grilled cheese sandwich, a cheeseburger, a burrito, a taco, or a tomato and parmesan salad with croutons. All those usually have some kind of sugar added, either in the sauce of the bread.

Pineapple is a fruit--nothing wrong with having a dish of fruit on the side, or as part of the meal, the same way you might stuff a turkey with Granny Smith apples and bread stuffing. We tend not to eat fruit with meat here in America and we really are missing out--chicken stewed with prunes and olives is divine, for example. Most Moroccan food involves mixtures of meat, fruit, honey, etc. To be totally technical, tomato is a fruit too.

I agree that usually the pizza you get out in the world is a total fucking fat and calorie bomb, so I should have added that for myself, I need to tone it way down before I can eat it at all--so I'll use TJ's pizza dough and make it myself with tomato paste, fresh oregano, a dusting of mozzarella, mushrooms and maybe add some pineapple (or not), or if I order in, I'll order local and get a thin crust, 1/2 cheese, no olive oil, and even sop up whatever oil there is with paper towels, but that's me--I can't eat heavy fatty meals at ALL without getting sick.

Perhaps I like pineapple partly because it's so fresh and light--I'll get mushrooms and pineapple, for example. It's a totally different pizza from what you usually get. I totally agree with the horrendous diet (and portions) that I see most people eating, oh my God, it's horrifying.

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I still have to think he'd be one of those guys tackling Trump. He may be a shill, but I'm sure most military types know what a danger that would be. I hope.

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