He was the one who knows how to use the fancy appleberry phone. Ed needs him for the next adventure.

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Basically paying off people to vote for her in the Iowa straw poll was classic Rollins.

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Agreed. However, Bachmann raised a shitload of money and they are still mailing it in. That's what gets Rollins out of bed in the morning.

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why do i think this news makes sarah smile?

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I thought the expression was "no mas".

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I think Bachmann has enough little plastic knobs going into her as it is.

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Exactly. Glad I didn't have to type that sick reminder of just who Ed Rollins was and still is.

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Mmmm, I think the way this goes is," All those glitter bombing gays and the damn femminazis in Nonreal America made God hate us. It's their fault!"

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But she won't do that Sue and I wonder why not? Well, I am praying actually "Please God, make her go away. Amen."

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I see you are close to Austin. Snark aside I am very sorry for what is happening. Stay safe and keep us posted.

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That women drives me to drink and when it comes to my liver I do tend to get a little self centered. Sorry.

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Snark off.

Perry was out campaigning on Saturday and Sunday while we in Central Texas lost 27,000 acres of land and 478 houses with a major fire near the Bastrop State Park in Bastrop, TX. We had several major wildland fires in the Austin/San Antonio/Houston area.

Rick came home yesterday to play Governor and spoke to the evacuees in Bastrop, which locally was broadcasted on all the tee-vee channels. I don't know about his campaign speeches but his pronouncements during this event made him look like an uninformed idiot. Frankly, his stumbling of trying to develop cogent thoughts proved how unprepared he is as either a Governor or President of the US.

Fuck Rick Perry. I hate these fires and I hate Rick.

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i don't know anybody in any kind of politics and i think i'd like to leave it that way.

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The candidate is telling voters in NC and VA that God wanted to wipe them out, with weather. I think I understand the reluctance on Rollins' part, here.

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One-L, it's your turn now. Move towards acceptance of defeat and leave the rest of us in the blissful silence of a world without your insane shrieking. That's a good girl.

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I hope she stays in the race to the bitter end. It keeps her out of Minnesota.

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