Yeah. Abortions were more readily available.

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People often panic when they find a formal silverware setting in front of them. Dear ron: Always move in from the outside utensil. You'll still be a fascist covered in pudding but your manners will improve.

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Crocodillia libelz.

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If he's breathing he's lying. I wish he'd stop lying. More than that, I cannot say.

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Spontaneous abortion is mother natures favorite pastime. Let alone killing children 10 and under by the second. If it isn't broke, don't fix it. If it ain't broke, fix it till it is.

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A newborn was left in a cornfield a few weeks ago maybe 20 miles from my house. Wisconsin has no exceptions for abortions at the moment, not even the life of the mother. This particular mother already had four children and didn't want her husband to know she was pregnant. That's her life in jail, and four children without a mother left to the care of a man who scared her so badly she decided her only option was to give birth and try to hide the evidence by murdering the baby.

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the republican party is just a domestic terrorism group and needs to be dismantled.

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Ah, that explains it then. Thanks!

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I have a reciprocating saw. Where do I start?

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The “tranche of younger voters” and women of all ages are going to turn out to vote against Dobbs. The Republix are not going to be able to run away from that.

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"Sure, we're losing a lot of basic rights, but at least the rich won't be getting taxed as much..."

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As others have pointed out; if the Mifepristone ban goes through, that creates precedent for doctors to sue for OTHER shit they "have objections" to and "might overwhelm emergency departments" - like guns. Now THAT would be awkward.

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Ta, Robyn. DeathSentence is wrong about everything, from COVID to climate change. He has zero chance in a national election, should he ever get that far. Besides, he's short, and no one wants a short president.

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Oh look at all the deluded church ladies in dresses of course applauding their death warrants should they miscarry ectopic or pre eclampsia etc. Aint it grand to ignore reality and tell yourself you're holy and prolife?Ova producers =female by law and the state can not treat you equally because of biology.Is the grand plan to put us in the cattle cars and ship us off after we quit ovulating? When you put that into law there must be a plan and purpose behind it right? Is it 1933? Or 1870

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Yep, but if so, their circumstances were…different.

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Tom Petty called it “ bad rock with a fiddle,” or something along those lines.

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