I don't know about Wilson, but I see Schwarzenegger as a RINO

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We've been reliably blue for the last 3 general elections and the Front Range is quite progressive. Historically, even the Republicans have been pretty centrist and not terribly socially conservative. Co Spgs is odd man out with their RNWJs along with a few of the mountain communities.

We're also very conscious that we are a tourist destination and have a reputation for being friendly and welcoming. We want our economy to grow and be robust, so even our religious nuts mostly know what butters their bread, so to speak.

Like California, we have our own energy industry (fossil fuel, but also manufacturing of wind turbines and other alternative energy projects. We have agriculture to feed us. Federal government is a big employment sector, so losing those jobs would hurt a lot. We're not as big as CA but we *might* be able to hold our own, particularly if people migrate here.

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Sounds like the Grabber in Chief has done gone and tugged on Supermans Jerry's cape.

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That's how my Dad was---fiscal conservative, social liberal. It's a good combination. Reagan tripling the national debt made Dad so mad he never voted Republican again.

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For my own part, I wouldn't be able to resist mocking Donnie's poll numbers if I were him. But then, I'm mean like that.

Way to go, Mr Brown. You're the kind of leader America needs.

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I'm up there every weekend! My mom lives just across the river from McIndoe Falls, VT, in Monroe, NH.

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There goes Governor Moon Beam, being right about stuff again.

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Well, that might be true of the Mad Max/Walking Dead/Fallout post-apocalypse, but according to actual sociologists, it would actually be far more peaceful.

That being said, there would also be a very limited supply of ammo in a post-apocalypse. And good luck making your own, since you'd need mercury fulminate and either nitric and sulfuric acids or potassium nitrate and sulfur.

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Yep. Deep red state here, and the fishing industry just realized there are going to be unintended consequences to voting for Trump when tariffs go into effect on salmon, halibut, pollack, etc., that sells to Asia.

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Also, who the fuck complains about someone being too laid back?!

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True enough

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You know they would... and Suffolk County would be trying to find a way to join them.

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As a loyal Californian, I feel like we need an army. Can we please have our own army? Maybe Silicon Valley can 3D print a droid army for us? Or we could repurpose all of those people the Orange Emperor makes unemployed with all his illegal tariffing...

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Since California has a bigger population and GDP than Canada, if they can have single payer, so can we. We just need to tell the red fly-overs where they can stick it and declare our independence.

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That's my Governor Moonbeam!

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The unemployed won't be in California. They will be the red fly-overs.

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