No question.

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Which illustrates why Trump and his crawling lackeys (this does mean you, Barr!) are working so hard to pack the judiciary in general and the Supreme Court in particular with, what's the best way to put it, co-operative judges.

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This should have started back in February, with court actions filed by March. The first thing that should have been contested was the blanket executive privilege claim, that Trump never actually invoked until more recently, making it twice as ridiculous that the Democrats did not aggressively pursue that in court. We knew as far back as early February that Trump intended to stonewall everything the Democrats tried to do. So the response from people like Richard Heal in Ways and Means was to piddle around for seven months before filing a court suit for Trump's tax records they are entitled by statute to receive by simply demanding them. And the judge in that case saying he would not expedite it because if it was that urgent, why did you wait several months to start enforcement action.

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Yeah, Kenn Starr getting all pervy about Bill Clinton's perviness will be nothing compared to the bloodbath of impeachment + election year. So much blood, it will make a Sam Peckinpah movie and a John Connolly novel seem dry in comparison.

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Rivers of blood(politically speaking of course) will flow as the heads roll.

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The tree of liberty needs watering.

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I think that Pelosi has to drag this out till the next election. Sending it to the Senate is just way too risky.

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I just watched a Twilight Zone episode about a creepy hitchhiker.

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And then he shook hands and then rolled over, whimpering. "Sir, I wish you were my dad," he growled. "Though I am a mere K-9."

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If Democrats play this right--make impeachment the sort of thing that steadily highlights corruption and treason and abuse of power by a president and his enablers--and nominate a candidate who can appeal both to moderates and liberals and prove to be a solid pit-fighter (not sure if we have that available) this could shape up to be exactly the election we need to flush these bastards out across the board. Expand the House by a dozen seats, take the Senate, and an electoral landslide bigger than anything we've seen since the '80s. The sight of Republicans pretending they thought Trump was a disaster all along would be worth it. Of course, all that requires Democrats to decide that that goal is more important than their petty squabbles.

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Neal is perplexing--the only explanation for his actions is that he really didn't give a crap. They absolutely should have had this stuff in court months earlier, so by now this would all be at the Supreme Court. The delays were inexcusable.

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He also called the Senate and House, almost to a person. Of all the actual predictive analytics brought to bear on the 2016 election, his was the most accurate. But no one was accurate during that election, because there was no modern training data for a post-VRA America. Having said all that, I'm not sure what's going on in his wee wickle brainses these days, with tweets like that.

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I want to believe you, but the SS person I know, who is fairly high up, is a die-hard Trumpanzee. Why? Because Trump promised to increase his pay and benefits. Amazingly, his wife, with whom I used to work, is a non-white progressive liberal type with extremely fluid sexuality. I don't understand people.

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Seems like it wouldn't hurt at all, if you know what I mean.

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Oh, man, if I were the judge, I'd definitely refer to it. "It would seem that the DOJ has less understanding of the constitution than children who watched and listened to School House Rock at school."

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