Math or meth?

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Eh... depends on the drug. Weed in Colorado is maybe kind of high, but that's partially because of the taxes and it really is some pretty primo weed.

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It's always been interesting that many a defendant has shown up in court to find they've been charged for possession of LESS drugs than what they know for a fact the cops took off them.

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That is exactly what I've been saying for years. Lead By Freaking Example!

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Members of Congress, too.

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Let's have the same drug laws in 1910. Somehow the sky did not fall.

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Seriously, in the last 16 years, what, if anything, has the Republican party done to help America or Americans? Is there one significant piece of legislation -- and don't say Medicare Part D -- that they passed or helped pass that has actually benefited the middle class?

This is a masterful piece of trolling. And trolling is the only thing left to do with a party that refuses to compromise in the spirit of democracy.

Let the good times troll, baby!

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I heard that menthol could make one test positive for speed.

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Healthy capitalist competition. Breeding the best product to outsell the competing lines.

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The superstorm mussed his hair?

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A more muscular Democratic Party? Can it be? Yes please!

"Rich people who get piles of tax deductions, even though technically, they cost us more." is a narrative that so needs to be played out in all State Legislatures! Especially Red States like Kansas (boy did Brownback get some serious burn on a healthcare co's departure, not letting the door hit them on the way out.)

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Yeah, it's gonna do that. And in some states, they'll try to drag it out to three years, apparently just for kicks.

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Well, then, urine trouble.

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Ryan also benefited from the safety net but he forgets that like a good R.

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Umm, my neighbours ,but not me of course, grow some pretty good shit that costs virtually nothing but love and some good times in the garden. May we all be so organic.

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This Congresslady is a freakin' genius!

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