Be sure to attack politely threaten some cops in a mob on your way to and from the bank robbery scene, after all, you've earned their undying respect with your blue-backy anthem.

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Maced Alaska Is A Milk Minx-abitionist

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When these poor misunderstood party of personal responsibilityers, er, sorry, antifa/blmers in disguise run smack dab into the meat grinders of justice I will be here for it. Instead we have a bleating bag of sheep dippers each proudly proclaiming "I am Fartacus! So don't blame me!"

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My favorites are the incidences where insurrectionists were shitty to their girlfriends, texted them from the Capitol, & their now-ex-girlfriends turned them in.

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His father is a pharmacist & his mother is a nurse. They also run a ministry. https://www.businessinsider...

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A) My definition is someone who is a good person and also happens to be a Christian. They exist, oh doubtful one.

B) Ain't nobody perfect. I said good, not perfect.C) I wasn't labeling any specific person, much less a congregation.D) "How well do you know your neighbors" gets into a very silly philosophical discussion very quickly. How well do you know yourself, etc. For that matter, how can you 100% positive that none of your friends is secretly plotting your murder?E) People usually are shocked when something like that happens near them, unless it already has happened in your own close circle before or if your clinical anxiety runs that way. We've had fire drills at school for decades, but if my school actually catches fire and my room is badly damaged, I would probably be shocked. And that's after there was a very small fire in the ceiling above my senior year homeroom. It damaged a fan or something up there, but didn't affect anything else.

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HoLeeSchidtThat Baked video of loving cops was Baked, indeed.

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I read about zip tie and his mom yesterday and was pissed; I guess they were just having a bad day too. I mean they just stormed the Capitol with an armed mob while an elected Georgia state official was arrested for the bigger crime of door knocking.

I want everyone who participated arrested and charged; I think my version of punishment is much harsher than what will be (hopefully) handed down to most of them.

I would also turn in someone I knew if they had participated in this and I don't say that lightly.

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And, I believe, repeated it this year - like a deranged poodle. At least he didn't flash his lipstick.

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He was raised with a Christian upbringing and went to school in a private Christian school.

My colleagues are often surprised at the strength of my anti-religious streak. Especially toward pretend good Christians.I wonder where it's coming from.

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If you are a Christian then you most certainly come from a background of violence.

Same goes if you're a human.

Hiding behind a work doesn't change your actions.

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We've been on the outswing for a bit for the moment, but we may even be heading back the other way now. Read a history book and ask yourself how this latest outswing compares to where we were on earlier outswings, or even compared to what was normal a couple of centuries ago. Two steps forward and one step back still means you're one step further on than when you started.

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Many tax cheat felons sing the same song. "It just means I'm smart. Everybody does it"

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Cystoscopically If it isn't a word, I just made it one.

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Sorry , should have read down.

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