"Target Corp and Bed Bath & Beyond Inc"

Well corporate drones. No point in arguing that you're not a whore. We're past that...now we're just negotiating the price.

(and god a-mighty, that price is cheap).

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Also, too, as I recall, this Kris is not a boy.

EDIT: Also, what's "Wings"?

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Right . . . I'll just pay it off, first thing in the morning.

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<i>Bed Bath & Beyond</i>

really? seriously?? you couldn't have held out for tiffany's? or bulgari? or manolo?

jeesh. we can't even do corruption well.

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and way better taste.

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Just try it. If there's one thing banks hate to do, it's refinance a loan at a lower rate than they're getting now.

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We all know what they do to Banks in prison...


Banks can't get sent to prison? They aren't people? Oh, they ARE people when it comes to rights, but NOT people when it comes to consequences?

I has a confuzzled.

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<i>The former employees, who worked at Bank of America centers throughout the United States, said the bank rewarded customer service representatives who foreclosed on homes with cash bonuses and gift cards to retail stores such as Target Corp and Bed Bath & Beyond </i>

Capitalism at its finest hour, so why do I feel so sickened?

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Only if we get to charge them a $5 convenience fee whenever they want to talk to an actual prison guard.

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My former mortgage holder and evil doer, GMAC, offered to modify my mortgage, but wanted to extract two of my gold teeth first.

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I think the proper GOP way to do it is not to work on the joke, just get some Hispanics and Womens to laugh at it for you.

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