Both Butch Haggart of the I Hate Gays Educational Foundation and Phyllis Fatlie of the Gun Down Fags Symposium agree that this is just a smoke screen for homosexuality.

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Buy her a drink, for starters.

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I have some doubts about the power of a children's book to determine a child's sexual orientation. But those penguins are extremely attractive.

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Conservatives want more freedom until someone uses that freedom to do something they don't like...such as reading a book about gay penguins.

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<i>Linda Harvey of MissionAmerica.org, who monitors homosexual activism aimed at the youth culture...</i>

linda honey, you should get a real job. just b/c you monitor it, that doesn't mean you're any less of a beard for your so straight republican husband.

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I see their "you're using kids to promote a political agenda" and raise them a "you're using kids to promote a religious agenda."

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J.K. Rowling?

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But at least Heather can have as many mommies as she wants, judging by the current list.

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No, it's just ice cream.

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<i>Huckleberry Finn</i> = a gay travelogue through the Antebellum South <i>Of Mice and Men </i>= story of how a normal gay treats a special needs gay <i>To Kill a Mockingbird </i>= novel of how a gay negro ravaged a white woman

Famous banned gay books.

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Gay penguin couples tend to be wealthier than typical "families" (ha ha). Because they're DINKs! (Dual income, no kids.) Despite that job-creator level of income, the Repubicans don't want to give those couples the married-filing-jointly discount. Repubicans must loooovvvveee higher taxes.

Remember, penguins are people, my friend.

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How did a banana get far enough down your throat to come back out your nose? OH WAIT. I just figured it out.

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Bristol has no mommy, so it averages out.

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