Barack Obama Unleashed!

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He does seem to be enjoying himself these last few months, doesn't he?

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I live in LA, and it's too easy to find wingnuts here. The thought of what it must be like in a red state gives me the shivers.

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He's the teenager who likes to blow things up. It is just the techie version of explosions and car chases.

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Irony tells us that the photograph is of Obama signing the ACA into law.

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To ever Republican: "Merry Christmas,, praise Allah, and go fuck yourself!"

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Not only do their nutjobs vote, but they have a LOT of nutjobs. Every dumb moron you run into on a daily basis is a Republican.

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I met a moron this weekend who said "both candidates are terrible." I said "actually one is very well qualified and intelligent." She said "yeah, but what about her emails?" If I'd been in the mood for a fight I would have asked "what about her emails, what happened?" I guarantee you none of these morons even have a clue how innocuous it was to have a private email server, or that Colin Powell did the same thing, and that nothing untoward happened.

None of them do anything other than get spoonfed bullshit by Fox News. They aren't capable of independent thought. I really hope Trump starts Trump TV with Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity, and Fox News swings more to the center, thus permanently turning the GOP into two parties (the nutjobs and the SUPERnutjobs).

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My governor is Andrew Cuomo :)

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What a hoot to read, thanks.

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Then you definitely run into far fewer nutjobs than I do. My governor is Nikki Haley, and 80% of my state is certifiably insane. I'm talking balls to the walls crazy.

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You are quite welcome. Fascinating how things are completely different when the horse is on the other foot.

22,000,000 "lost" Bush Administration emails - who cares?

242 brave US Marines killed in Lebanon - who cares? Read the excellent "Reagan's Benghazi."

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Go Obama! Loving DGAF mode!

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I served in the First Person Infinitives until they split up the regiment.

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That video is one of my favorites.

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And fuck me running, I would pay whatever asked to be a fly on the wall at the WH Christmas party this year..

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