I love crayon drawings on world political maps; the authoritarian fifth grade knowledge base is a perfect place to engage your meet-on-the-street wingnut. Fuzzy premises can prove anything!

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Trump would probably prefer to meet with the Emperor himself instead of the hired help.

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Wow, the video's gone!

ETA: Oh, no it isn't. That was weird.

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Putin, Erdogan and Chavez were all elected. Erdogan and Chavez were even elected relatively freely and fairly, repeatedly, no matter what you think of their politics (I think Erdogan's a scumbag, while Chavez meant well but made a lot of things worse). We have to stop using "dictator" to mean "leader we don't like". It destroys language like the overuse of "terrorism" has.

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I think even fifth-graders know "the shortest distance between A and B"

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Thanks, I'll please.

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Superglue. It worked so well that no one knew what to do with it.

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The big difference here is that this is real, actual, not-fake news of something that is actually happening. The Japan Times is not Fucks Entertainment News.

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When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited here earlier this year she made mention of the German experience with atonement and redemption. It was received polite nods of agreement and was promptly ignored and forgotten. Abe and his cabal are very Confucian in mindset. Obedience to authority is wound deeply into the Japanese psyche. Add to this a profound suspicion of change and a very apolitical populace. On the plus side, most Japanese are very satisfied with their Constitution and are especially proud of the war-renouncing Article 9. The opposition to Abe is unfortunately weak and disorganized. The people need to find their political backbone and throw these rascals out.

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Sounds very Republican, doesn't it?

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Yeah, there's a lot of that wherewithal problem going around. Here too. ⌘sigh⌘

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Try as I might to keep up with the ever increasing acronymization of the language, GGY has me stumped. The Google turns up nothing that makes much sense, which of course means the world is falling apart.

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Trump would want to be the Emperor, Indeed, he may think he is one already.

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