I know, I kinda love her. I know the Hillz/'Chelle 2016 ticket will never really happen, but these are the women we need in power.

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I thought it was a gateway.

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I see what you did there.

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And then there was that time when Nestle sold substandard infant formula all over the developing world and made $billions.

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The Right should also be aware that First Lady Obama also advocates breathing.

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Cute! I like the WTF look from the First Dogs.

Also waiting for the OUTRAGE!!11!!!!!!1! from the RWNJs along this lines of 'jogging in the White House is socialist' and 'drinking water is communist' and 'arglebargle worst president ever.'

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Right, cause they learned their lesson about attacking the First Lady back in the 90s.

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<i>Stay thirsty, my friends.</i>

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Where does the First Lady get off using her time in the White House to try to make things better?

Why doesn't she go out and pick up litter on the highway like Lady Bird Johnson? Or people serving out DUI sentences.

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<blockquote>Did you like the ’80s cop show styley music, like maybe it is the theme from Simon & Simon, or maybe it is TJ Hooker?</blockquote>

Trix <em>really</em> doesn't like sportsball at all.

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