The way things are looking at the moment, Barry might need to stay a few more days, for Nelson Mandela's funeral.

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Well they have to pay for their $46 billion to keep the browns out somehow, and what better way than letting darker, more distant brown people die unnecessarily? It's what Jesus would do!

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I see the Hazzard County Asian outreach program is going well

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Which is stupid, because the Constitution provides an out clause to cover the folks who were there at the time of signing.

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Why does Obama refuse to visit Benghazi?

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That AIDS stuff is good news. It is -- to the best of my knowledge -- the only positive thing Dubya did while in office.

Must be Alzheimer's setting in, but I don't recall the Go-Pee'ers outrage at the cost of Dubya's trips to Africa. Of course, <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2008\/11\/05\/palin-didnt-know-africa-i_n_141653.html" target="_blank">some of them</a> can't name the capitol of Africa so may not realize it's not in the U.S.A.

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I don't know why he can't meet with just the President of Africa instead of all those other people. He loves to spend our money, I guess.

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