I heard one of the 11th Court of Appeals justices speak a few years ago at a ceremony here, and he was an unabashed advocate for Conservatism as the only way to be rational, responsible and patriotic. And the famous Judge Vinson is a camellia fetishist here in town. Un-self-aware redneck boneheads.

Anyway, I agree with the Bear that without the gerry-rigged mandate, which was always a proxy for taxpayer-funded nonprofit healthcare, the remainder of the healthcare reform plan is an almost total loss.

If I were a true believer in the rationality of The Market, I would have confidence that the Invisible Hand would know its own limits.

But I'm not, and I don't. There are surgeons and gynecologists and anesthesiologists who "earn" well over a million dollars a year with the current system. Their mentality is not a Hippocratic one of dedication to human well-being. They actually use expressions like "leaving money on the table" without any shame or irony. They are whores, not that there's anything wrong with that, if you're an actual whore. And that's not even getting into the insurance cartels.

I thought that a public option was a brilliant way to let a nonprofit version of medical care and coverage prove itself and supplant the profit-based prostitution business, but it turned out that the pimps are a powerful lobby, with powerful johns in Congress to support them.

If I weren't already drunk, I'd have to start drinking now.

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"Quick beak job"?

Deep gizzard.

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sara what are you going to do when rick's president?

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Sara, your vast thespian talent aside, I honestly don't think Congresswoman Bachmann is an attractive enough woman to be played by you. If Mrs. Bachmann was anywhere close to being as hot as you, Mr. Bachmann might actual consider giving girls another try!

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