Aside from the pooping in a box, which sounds convenient, human kids behave pretty much the same way.

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i have to say, considering how crappy pretty much EVERYTHING in the world is right now*, i appreciate the sweetness and light.

*well, except for eric cantor.

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The credentials make the difference- Tommy wasn't some paparazzi or just a civilian with a video camera that wandered in, that pass gave him a right to be there and do his thing. When there is a clash of agendas, it's up to a producer to say so at that point. Dictating terms to another credentialed tech is way above that squint's pay grade.

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"Unseasonably warm weather this summer." Clearly a Brit speaking.

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You've never experienced a British summer, have you?

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Any warmth in summer in SF is "unseasonable". (Or so Mark Twain tells me).

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At least during the Clinton years I still had a job. In my book, that's huge.

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More likely just a Crawford thing.

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But what region? Texas? DC? Kennebunkport?

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Well, I'm sure there's other stuff in Leviticus we could stone them for.

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Well, the kids are statistically unlikely to be as dopey as their dad. It's called "regression toward the mean."

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Meh. Bush league intervew.

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Lamestream media earns its reputation. That's news, right?

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I had to stop watching it. She totally unnerved me with the way she's a weird combination of W and Laura. Yes, I know, it's genetics, but still weird. Especially the way she talks.

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Every time she said "the impordince" I got a painful eye-twitch.

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