Little known fact: Martin Luther was a Zorn Übersetzer himself.

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I was all pissed off at Obama today for his clarion endorsement of the right of presidents to wage perpetual war. But now I'm back to liking him.

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He would put Ms. Dowd on a diet of worms and then nail 95 feces on her door.

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MILF: musty Irish Luddite frump

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I'm not joking here. When I saw," $19.95 for a hardcover copy", I swear to god my brain read, "$19.95 for a <i>doorstop</i> "

I had to go back a couple of times trying to figure how I came up with that. Wonkette? Are you using those subliminal message thing-a-ma-hickies again? Is that why I love you?

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Kinda like the Drecks Files

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Neither did Ronnie, but Nancy made a good stand in.

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How do you pronounce his name? Is it like "do that", or "douche hat'?

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<i>No one got under Barack’s skin more than Maureen, whose penchant for delving into the psyches of her subjects was particularly irritating to the self-possessed Obama.</i>

Once again I'm miles ahead of the curve since I despised MoDo long before anyone knew who Barry even was.

She's not a "journalist" so much as she's a junior high mean girl wreaking havoc, and seeking power, with her gossip.

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It's twue! It's twue!

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DCI John Luther?

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Frump libel!!

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Maureen Dowd has the difficult weekly job of writing 75 unrelated declarative sentences then shuffling them into random sequence.

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Dowd would agree if it were a gossip session about Hillary Clinton.

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<i>It is unclear whether this exchange happened before or after Dowd called the ’08 Obama campaign “effete and vaguely foreign,”</i>

So, international idiots McGrumpy & Princess Dumbass got their asses kicked by an "effete and vaguely foreign' campaign? Okay.

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Unfortunately, the truth <b>is</b> out there.

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