Walden College will be decimated.

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You wash your hands?

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Education is a direct attack on the principles of the GOP.

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I have eaten at food trucks and seen cars go by, too. Makes you think.

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They are going back to school so they can put food on their family.

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Hey, that post-WWII Gi bill, that sent all those kids to college? Look at the *awful* results: the sixties, where uppity young'uns and minorities and women and working class types di'nt know their place, to bow to the rich, and gave them *trouble*!? Wasn't that turrible, turrible?

mark, troublemaker

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The 'War' in Libya was the one where the right wing asshats were all complaining that Obama was 'leading from behind' because we didnt contribute any combat aircraft to bomb the crap out of them. What we did was engage in support activities, but regardless of what our President does, the right wing scumbags are right thewre to complain!


Have a great day!

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Tuesday Weld!


Have a great day!

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William Weld!

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Meanwhile in GB All officers 'should have degrees', says College of Policing (via the BBC) and in other other news the UK has a College of Policing. Expecting police officers to be educated is obviously a sign of Sharia Law.

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You are the greatest in the weld!

Have a great day!

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My sister in law is an audiologist there. Cleans up, and never touches a vacuum!

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I was gobsmacked to read that soldiers were asking their families to send things like boots and kevlar vests because they were not getting these things from the military.

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True story:I grew up on military and NATO installations overseas, (my folks were teachers for DOD schools).Some people over there, (Japan, Germany, Denmark, Turkey, England), referred to the US as "the World" and couldn't wait to leave.I suspect these people help make up the Repub base.(Do they still say that?)

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Say there, Bruce, would you mind repeating rule 6?

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It was a dismaying revelation, that.

Apparently, the iron ass truly believed you go to war with the army you have, and if that army is not given body armor, well too bad - we had to get into Iraq yesterday, people!

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