I'm pleased that benefits got extended and 98% of the country didn't get a tax hike. We can kill the tax cuts in 2012 when the average American is actually paying attention to the game.

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At least he didn't sign a free-trade agreement with Mexico, gut welfare, and deregulate the telecommunications and financial industries so there'd be huge busts in both years down the road.

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Economics works exactly like that.

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<a href="http:\/\/sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ak-snc4\/hs1197.snc4\/154941_10150106313859384_86574174383_7483590_7722497_n.jpg" target="_blank">Via Nancy Pelosi's facebook page.</a>

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Mr. Catt, you aren't very funny today, but you are wise.

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Fuuuuck....Things are going to get much, much worse before they get better, aren't they.

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Honey (Barry), I know you had a bad day at work, but you really shouldn’t take it out on the kids (Dems).

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Well, I hope he can find out what secret party all those "centrists" belong to and get them to carry him to victory in '12, instead of relying on his base. Because, who needs them? You know? .

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yeah cause harry reid's shown resolve at every turn when dealing with republicans.

nancy's the only dem republicans fear.

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every time i see chuck todd i get bad 70s flashbacks.

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Somewhere out there are a bunch of social-darwinist conservative wingnuts who are super-pissed that the government is extending unemployment benefits.

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I will vote for him again, and won't have to hold my nose, although I might feel a little sad. He's a better person than almost everyone else in this grand debate, us included. He is facing more than just the trend of conservative dickish competitive whoring for the rich, he is bucking the reality of corporate power and electoral influence, the growing scale of globalism, and the colossal stupidity of a large chunk of the American voting populace. If we have a dick of a president who makes some headway, but exacerbates the hostility between us and the COCKSUCKING AMORAL MONSTERS, is that a good bargain? Face it, the next move forward in equality, financial regulation, tax fairness, deficit reduction, and healthcare will probably come from a Republican. It's like Nixon visiting China and Clinton reforming welfare. They'll fight us tooth and nail until they are in power, when they can't continue the charade anymore and give in to reality.

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