They were doing a pretty good job of privatizing the public's money.

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And its graduates can sit on their "thickly cushioned seats" collecting unemployment.

Amazing what you can learn from wikipedia, for example Corinth is located somewhere in New Jersey.


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Well, it's not like there are billions just sitting around in hedge funds to make even more billions that won't be used to build infrastructure, or provide health care, or create good wage jobs in places like oh, I don't know, Ferguson MO, and Detroit, and Baltimore...

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Carmen Miranda fruit salad hat FTW!

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You mean it's all the gummints fault, don'che?

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Waiiitttt.....aren't wingnuts usually bitching about how everyone (except the military) needs to get off the public dole and aren't they usually trying to cut/privatize student aid programs....? These people make no fucking sense, I'd assume this news would create a wingnut 'gasm but the hypocrisy is so thick no wonder they have the consistency of piss...

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Piss is a lot more consistent, and has much more integrity, than your average wingnut. So I'm calling piss libel.

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They're not on the payroll, so it's pretty easy to ignore them.

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Paris is in Texass, you know.

"Once they've seen Paree, how are you going to keep them on the farm?"

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Right Wing Catholic Heaven: A wholly owned subsidiary of Lucifer Properties, LLC.

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Wingnuts are totes OK with any business enterprise that lets more money changers in the temple, so to speak. So a for-profit, publicly traded college that sells loans to poor people is right up their alley. And if the government bears the risk of default, so much the better.

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The executives of these obvious scams need to be hunted down and subjected to various things that would violate the Commenting Rules (if Wonkette allowed comments) such as audits, fines, and public revelation of their sexual kinks.

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Their specialty.

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Did they mention arson? No they did not. Obvs. not Issa.

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I hope this gets thrown in Rubio's face, over and over again, as long as he's in the race.

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Even the cheapest of whores doesn't match the moral turpitude of Marco Rubio.

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