Merry fucking Christmas, BSL!

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Happy Hogswatch, all!

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oh hey wonkette! have a merry x-mas or christmas or festival of lights or kwanza or new years or elf garden gnome festival or whatever pleases.

and please, come back next year as a year w/out wonkette is a year w/out sunshine or booze and way too many republicans from random places like AK or AZ which until recently didn't really exist. and still shouldn't.

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I made Baby Jesus's favorite birthday rum cake tonight. My secret is to soak my nuts in rum for nearly a week. Don't forget the baby Jesus, you godless motherfuckers.

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And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street!

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In my house they are hung like coats.

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I think the first link is giving me computer cooties.

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I'd never leave the house!

Wait, I already never leave the house.

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Also, belief in the apocalypse means you can justify anything in the present, since you don't have to worry about real-world consequences in the future.

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I've got your Druid’s tree right here, baby!

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"Away in a Manger" in a Billie Holiday voice or GTFO.

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Do they taste like Reindeer?

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So Barry read to kids, listened to semi-important information, signed stuff, got emotional and then had to go somewhere. I didn't even know he was a mom.

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God bless us, every one.

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White House furry Brian Mosteller seems to have caught Sara's eye. Bunny suits are kind of hot... I guess. <a href="http://www.prospect.org/csn..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.prospect.org/csnc/blogs/tapped_archive...">http://www.prospect.org/csn...

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Oblig. <a href="http://www.creepysantaphoto..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.creepysantaphotos.com/">http://www.creepysantaphoto...

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