Sure did, I'll find it...

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It's in this discussion; http://wonkette.com/602058/...

Sort by 'oldest' and it'll come up faster in the comments...

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Wow! That was a great job, Jonny! I thought the comments were very nice, too (some a little jealous, but that's understandable).

The out of focus menu was so funny!

The day we left, proudgramma and I went to have lunch there. I tasted the pilsner, the porter, and something else which I've forgotten. All good stuff!

Like I said before, it was a lot of fun getting together, and I hope we get to do it again, soon! Keep us posted on your progress -- can't wait to see pics of your new home.

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The foundation is going in today... Happy Times!

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I used to have all the episodes on VHS tape, but alas! Hurricane Katrina ate them! Teachers could buy the set, but the price was astronomical. Now I can't find them anywhere except YouTube, where the quality is not very good.

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While I can see the first, free trade has already put Guatemalan farmers out of work, the second is like saying "If we just give Russia everything they want, they won't hurt us." Everyone has tried being nice. It hasn't worked. Especially for Vietnam. China annexed part of Vietnam, they've seized oil workers in Vietnam's employ in Vietnam's section of the South China Sea, and China's history of rapacious expansionism is coming to the fore again.

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Well, I just saw a clip of Trump telling Sean Hannity that a President Clinton would be "four more years of Obama". That's just like a backhanded endorsement!

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Yeah, I can understand wanting human rights, but human nature means that people will simply lie. Rights violations will be ignored so to get money and corporate superpowers. Considering the jobs that are already being lost in developing countries from free trade, I don't see the trade-off being worth it.

I mean, we hear that businesses can sue if they lose money but who really thinks near subsistence farmers are going to sue for losing the ability to sell their produce?

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*facepalm* How many Vietnamese died in reunification purges and reeducation camps?

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Ahahaha, China's been stealing other people's land longer than there've been white people in the Americas.

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The base appreciates it.

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Exactly. The only people who'll be suing anyone are the transnationals - Sony, Monsanto, British American Tobacco, etc - who'll be suing any government that tries to regulate them, & they'll do it in their very own ISDS arbitration 'courts', which won't be at all biased towards the businesses that pay for them & choose their staff. /sarcasm

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The TPP is genuinely evil in about a dozen different ways. It's like NAFTA turned up to 11 & aimed at a lot more countries. It's basically a pre-signed blank cheque for international corporations that they can cash in every signatory country. Googling for "why TPP is bad" will give you pages of results. I suggest starting with this one, then reading as many others as you can stomach:http://fusion.net/story/265...http://www.citizen.org/TPPhttp://www.theguardian.com/...

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This overview might give you some idea why the details have been kept top secret:http://fusion.net/story/265...

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Actually, this is an even better place to start:http://foreignpolicy.com/20...

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