If she was not respected at the Times, I submit that her whiny ass plea for the martyrdom of victimization is all the proof needed to explain why. What a crybaby. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass, Bari.

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Should I care?........meh

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Honestly, I wish the media would just stop covering the Dotard's mouth diarrhea. It's nothing but lies and they all know that, but because he cheated his way into the presidency they have to keep pretending it matters.

I'm a little more hopeful that there's been a permanent shift in attitude this time around, though the NYT will probably be the last place to pick up on it. I've been watching the pushing back and forth on racial issues since the Reagan era, and something feels different now - basically, like it's finally gotten through to enough white people that things have to change. It's horrible right now, but at the risk of sounding like a Pollyanna I think there might be a light at the end of that tunnel.

It would be nice if the Bedbug would self-deport like Barium (Enema) Weiss, though he would probably regard that as a show of weakness. But if his behaviour gets the level of attention that makes the Times look bad for keeping him on, he might get dropped. Look at James Bennet and the Tom Cotton fiasco. He was a senior editor. Bedbug is just a columnist.

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She'll be anchoring Fix Nuze by next week.

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because he cheated his way into the presidency they have to keep pretending it matters.

Is that really the reason?

Wouldn't this be a great time -- especially with Mary's book out -- to at least begin (not that they shouldn't have started WAY before this) to learn how to cover the actions of the OFFICE, and the victims its actions effect (like the kids and teachers who risk getting sick if forced to return to school w/o proper federally-funded protections), without further exposing the public to the lies of a conscienceless, evil, greedy malignant narcissist?

I mean, he's blathering right now about Jeff Sessions, gloating. Why? What does that have to do with any of his treason against the troops? Or the kids in the cages? Why should anybody be forced to listen to this evil propaganda??

Look at James Bennet and the Tom Cotton fiasco. He was a senior editor. Bedbug is just a columnist.

Is Bennett still working there? Does he still have a job?





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I see David Brooks lost his weekly space here, and I'm glad.

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Bill Maher will spotlight her within weeks, no loss however for public at large. See Ya,, ! Always a whiner!

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I think the Shame should be insider the quotation marks.

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Has she ever covered a town zoning board meeting in Nowheresville PA? Has she ever gone back to the same meeting the following week? Has she gone to bed knowing that she'll be writing up notes about what happened in that room every week for the next year? Cry me a fuckin' river about what a rough gig the Times really is.

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Sadly, I think we have even bigger things to worry about


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Plus -- honest to God -- I care more about the employees of color whose allopathic stressloads are off the charts because of continual harassment when they should have Bret Stephens and Peggy Nolan's Pulitzers, than I do about what the Bedbug "thinks" about literally anything.

He's out in front of the White House talking about how more white people get harassed by police than black people. I don't know what hapless (white) reporter thought that that was the best question to be asking him right now, but I wish Abby Phillip was out there instead.

Seriously. I don't care what he thinks. I care what Democrats and white people who claim to be progressive are going to do about the problems he caused -- because most POC are somewhere in jail (even the teenagers, as of this morning) or in quarantine in part because we can't go out without fear that white people might literally spit disease at us -- and so we can't help you.

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Makeup department will provide the appropriate long blonde wig.

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"Doubt that'

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Back to the "intellectual dark web" with you, Bari! I will never not laugh whenever I read that phrase. If the Venn diagram of conservatives and unpublishable dumdums is almost a circle, that's not the left's fault.

Andrew Sullivan recently got fired from New York Magazine and Ben Shapiro is stepping back at the Daily Wire, so odds are this is a prelude to the three of them collaborating on something awful.

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I'm sure some purely online pub will take her, so no worries. Maybe one run by anguished millennials.

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