What you don't know is that McInnes is only three inches long, which is why Tyson's afro looked huge to him.


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So NdGT looked a bit like Reggie Jackson -- <i>and</i> had like a 150 IQ. The world could use more like him. (Whereas the world would only get geometrically worse if we were afflicted with additional McInnes-like asshats.)

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Too bad Gavin's mom didn't know about it, and let the infection fester.

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You think that creationiist goober he demolished was "armed"?

McInnes merits no more attention from Tyson than a bit of dogshit stuck to his shoe.

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I made the mistake of reading the comments. Now I need a drink or six.

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Gavin lives inside your small cranium.He is comic genius.

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NDT is a moron.

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You are a fucking idiot. Stop trying to spread your idiocy and go learn something.

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NdGT - Way smarter, more handsomer, oozing charisma, very much more fabulouser than this asshat - no wonder the insecure one must make with all that hating. GO TEAM TYSON!

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McInnes is just sore that DC Comics didn't ask him to be in an issue of Superman.

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OH JEEBUS - We got the Darwin Award candidate right here!!!

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Well, that was nasty. Imagine my surprise at seeing John Bolton on the panel as well! A turgid trifecta of turds.

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I thought only Muslins had beards like that.

Unless it was bayou-dwellers wearing bandanas. Keep fucking that duck.

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