[Nice slow take there]

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And getting harder every fucking day, because people like Louie Gohmert (pronounced Gomer-tuh) saying things about asparagus in that great derpy Texas accent ... actually exist.


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Noble Warrior, Fuckbeetle


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I kind of doubt that. They rarely venture outside their media bubble. I'd almost wager that most conservatives are only just <i>now</i> finding out who Colbert is and what he does. Conservatives also don't do much introspection, especially if it leads to any kind of self-criticism.

Most of the raging wingnuts in Fuckbeetle Ben's camp only came to hate Colbert simply because someone told them that he was making fun of them.

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It would be irresponsible not to speciate.

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<i>It is nearly impossible to watch an episode of The Colbert Report without coming away with a viscerally negative response to conservatives.</i>

News flash, Bennie: that's not unique to The Colbert Report. I have a viscearlly negative response to you mofo's, no matter who tells me about your latest act of obscene dickery.

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"It's not a documentary."

I'm going to be cracking up over that for the next several months.

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You know Shapiro's sliding down the razor blade of internet life when 90% of his comment section is people telling him he's an ass.

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Very true - Colbert could likewise recite one of O'Reilly's rants verbatim, and bring out the ridiculous nature of it just with his eyebrows.

I sincerely hope he actually does this, before his run on The Colbert Report ends. BillO would be steaming mad, but would have absolutely nothing to say that would not cast him as an even bigger fool.

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On the bright side, we now have a secret code that the nutters can't decipher.

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Ain't in the mood right now for that much concentrated dreck - but there is an excellent chance that the entry's been pranked to the max. Conservapedia is the world's most prominent victim of Poe's Law.

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"Which means that when they do encounter conservatism, they’re firmly convinced they’re looking at “Colbert-ism” in disguise."

OK, Ben, now listen carefully, because this is very important: <i>Nobody thinks the real thing is amusing.</i>

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I love how conservatives start bellyaching about "hypocrisy" whenever liberals return fire. They are like the kid who chucks a snowball at you. When you throw one back at him, he starts bellowing that you are picking on him and that he is going to tell the teacher on you.

For brats like Ben Shapiro, all is fair in war just as long as only one side does the shooting.

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I love Walt Derpney's films, especially the early, funny ones.

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Let's send Bill-O a copy of Swift's <i>A Modest Proposal</i>. I can't wait to watch his blood vessels pop.

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Is Malkin Nasty or Shouty?

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