I couldn't be more beaten down by her fake reasons if I was 14 and stuck in the back seat, listening to my own mother explain why I couldn't go to camp. She just has that quality-- such unconvincing bullshit.

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That's redundant.

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But... but... we don't want the United States to be just another banana republic, where they persecute past Presidents for political reasons...

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Umm, strictly speaking, I don't think a person is a "nominee" for the Supreme Court until Biden nominates him/her.

Requiring that Biden consider "all nominees" is what we computer folks call a noop.

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Has anyone else noticed the extent to which reactionary Confederate Rethuglicans literally YELL about "Black woman Black woman Black woman"

... but somehow never actually mention ANYTHING about the CREDENTIALS of the JUDGES (yes, that's right) whose records are (allegedly) at issue??

It's amazing that literally nobody White, including these Senators, seems to know anything about what these women DO professionally for a living. They only seem to know -- or perhaps want US to believe -- that they're "just Black women" as opposed to LEGAL SCHOLARS and JUDGES. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Toto: Send it into the cornfield Dorothy!

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I hate when idiots cry "wokeness!" when it comes to the military and anti-bias training. It's not new, dipshits. Why, way back in ye olde 90's we had to sit through all kinds of guided discussions and videos etc. addressing this stuff. Cuz you know what can really fuck up troop morale and combat readiness? Knowing that the asshole next to you thinks you are less than and may not be prepared to cover your ass when shit hits the fan.

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Candidate Trump promised to nominate "Pro life" judges who would overturn Roe v Wade, but I guess that wasn't specific enough for Collins...

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Susan Collins promised to run for 2 terms when she campaigned in 1996. Don't take her statements with a grain of salt - include the whole salt mine!

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Whar's the beef?

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Antifa OG, FTW!


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Thanks for watching this garbage so I don’t have to.

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Oh you women, always judging men by their fashion choices. I don't judge Maddow by hers. :)

Wait, I don't know that you are a "woman." Sorry to presume!

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So say we all!

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Here's the thing: Republicans have proven that it doesn't matter if half the country think Justice Black Woman is illegitimate. All that matters is that her butt is in the chair.

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" I just come here to fucking swear."

So when do you start?

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