You can't make me read that shit.

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Yeah, did you watch the video? It was like this really ugly-ass, socially awkward guy at the end talking to an attractive girl and then he just walks off, like, "Sorry, girl who is way out of my league. I'm going my OWN way." Back in the day we used to have a word for this: sour grapes.

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Uhuru is the Swahili word for "freedom," which was also adopted by an African socialist movement. For a bunch of unapologetic pro-capitalist Western chauvinists, it seems like an odd slogan.

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Fuck off libtard cunt

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The author left out the part that it has to be consensual

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Says the loser. LOL

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A whole closet-full of Alphas

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That mgtow chorus hook is actually kinda catchy lol sounds like mid 70s psychedelic rock.

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They're the opposite of men going their own way thing. Their idea is, "stop masterbating, you can only get off if you're getting laid so go out and get laid".

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Bring it. Nice to see you're still working the long con though. Bravo.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Ya..Paul totally wants to subjugate the poor while selling them the perception of "liberty"

Oh, trolls win because most people are not familiar with the process.

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I meet a lot of dumbasses that think they know things. Their age varies from younger to older than me. The saddest thing is they think I will consider them peers if they mirror me or that they could claim such by having similar opinions.

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I know...being older totally makes your IQ go up while making your education go down.

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You can blame anything you don't like

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Um...we have a lot of prior years of selection for our species. Look where it got us

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Some women are sexist, and some Jews are anti-semitic, and some black people are anti-black racists. As a prof of mine once said: "There is no hatred as potent as the self-hatred of the outsider." ........ PS: I'm not accusing you of being sexist -- I don't know you -- just saying that "I am a woman, so no need to accuse me of sexism" doesn't wash. I say this neutrally, to share an idea. No offense intended.

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