Some poor cops do have a sad about this, with nothing but their badge and gun to console them.

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Pizza delivery people often get robbed and injured, some even killed. That's a hate crime.

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Assuming that a cop killer gets to trial alive (that's at best a 50-50 proposition), yes. Most judges and juries take the position that if someone is willing to kill an armed, uniformed law enforcment officer they would have no qualms about killing an unarmed citizen, and sentence accordingly.

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Big difference - a police officer can take the uniform <em>off</em>.

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Changing the color of your skin is a little harder than changing out of your uniform. Of course, when off-duty black cops do that, they get harassed by white cops.

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I know that generally killing a cop is one of the qualifications for death sentence in some states. Not sure what additional protection they want.

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When the cops blue themselves with pride, FOOP will be there!

Analrapist Tobias Fünke likes this comment

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I considered it for a fucking microsecond before I realized that <strong>COPS ALREADY HAVE LEGAL PROTECTIONS STRONGER THAN HATE CRIMES LAWS AFFORD MINORITIES. </strong>

Fuck, these guys' goddamned jobs are to know the law. Fire them all!

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