Ah, fuck 'em. Approx 10M subscribers. Don't know where. Don't much care. either.

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Of course it's too early. This is a thought experiment.

Oh, and please deploy your more than a handful of people.

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I could see a market for a pre-installed app that rolls its eyes.

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Oh, dammit.

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Hey, look what Al Gore's been up too... <a href="http:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/8301-505123_162-57561745\/al-jazeera-acquires-al-gores-current-tv\/" target="_blank">Al Jazeera acquires Current TV</a>

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Not even gonna MENTION what Barry's probably say.

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That's good news. I hope she has a full recovery (this is only slightly influenced by my awareness that Hill is about two weeks older than I).

This is gonna complicate 2016, if she chooses to give it a shot. She's gonna need to pick a VP that really is a credible replacement (like Obama did, but WALNUTS and MittBot didn't).

So, any thoughts?

Patrick, Cuomo, Franken, DWS (if nothing else, might cause a few heart attacks)?

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Okay. "Special Assistant for Meta Responses to Bullshit"

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Speaking as a possible member of a sement, I like this typo.

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I'll definitely buy him a drink, if I ever get the chance.

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Je me fiche de toi, Justin!

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This is okay by me. I quite like Al, but he is not a media mogul.

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I'm too drunk right now, but the concept of Cthulhu celery is calling me.

Oh, happy Arbitrary Annual Cycle Demarcation.

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Sometimes, a camisole is just a camisole.

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The commenters at the site all seemed to find Jen's article funny or weird. Or both; a few thought she was delusional.

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