The Bill could change the name to Trump Has Rescued Our Whole Universe, Peace! Act, or THROW-Up.

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"hoofwanking bunglecunt" has a nice imported flair.

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yeah i just saw on rawstory within a couple days.

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Even if he's not guided by Jeebus, there should be someone in the White House who could help him spell : "I resign the Office of the Presidency, effective immediately."

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The problem is that since Bannon has left his cave in the White House, Steve Miller is the only person Trump is listening to for policy advice. He is more regressive and incompetent than Trump, with his vile agenda immune to fiscal and moral realities. So using arguments like it is a better use of funds, saves money, and helps millions of people is like water off a duck's back for them. And as far as getting attention, he is getting more by being a jackass.

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Defeating Trump's unerring instinct for doing the wrong thing is going to be quite a challenge. Nobody's succeeded yet.

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Syntax error: disparages women.

Also, that's a classy insult that communicates "you matter enough to me to deliver my A-game". It has its uses, but I'm looking for something that says, "you cannot and will not ever have a worthwhile thought, idea, or word". Like, if a person could be diarrhea.

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Could work. He could call it eating a ham sandwich for all I care

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Yes, but she needs Wednesday afternoons off to go to ballet class.

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moar upvotes, pleez.

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No doubt. I don't even really like rap and I appreciate eminem. Kid rock is derivative pap

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Unfortunately, if everyone in the country spent their time flattering Trump so he became a slightly better force for not-evil, there wouldn't be time for anything else.

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She's got my vote.

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I've got some reference material back home I should consult and get back to you. But off the top of my head.

1: Carping, caviling, pissing in the (punchbowl | mashed potatoes), shit-stirring or shit-disturbing (arguably the act this describes is closer in meaning to "trolling").

2: cretin, lackwit or half-wit, stumblebum, schlemiel, fuckhead, shit-fer-brains, anencephalic, dumbass, and of course "fucking moron" (most of these are nouns but I find they can do double-duty as adjectives in most situations). The best, most colorful examples I can think of here are not words but complete phrases like "couldn't find his ass with both hands and a flashlight", "soft as a bag of wet mice", "sharp as a ball-bearing", "bright as a two-watt bulb", and so on with the bags of hammers and boxes of rocks and like that there.

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