I bet he reads all the various newspapers that come across his desk.

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What? It is the best movie ever. And by "best movie ever," I mean ... well, you can watch it yourself and see what I mean.

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Yes, that would explain it. Idiot savant. Emphasis on IDIOT.

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My bad on the date. Of course, a bright boy like you could (a) Google it, or (b) figure out the date from the article itself. Poppy jumped the gun by three months, which means he was speaking on September 7. He was the republican presidential nominee (and he himself noted that Pearl Harbor was bombed 47 years prior to the speech he was giving), so it was 1988. See, while I was in grade school I learned reading comprehension and basic arithmetic.

Also, how do you know I even wear panties?

Also, too, the republicans shut down the government, thereby closing the WWII Memorial.

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Yes, Obama clearly doesn't know that the USA has 50 states. I wonder how he got elected to be president of Harvard Law Review while being such an idiot? He's not nearly as good a president as Bush was. Remember how awesome and exciting Bush was? Remember losing 750,000 jobs per MONTH under Bush. O'Bummer is so boring with his continuous adding of jobs. What a dullard. Plus how exciting is it watching the Dow Jones triple under Obama, when we got to watch it plummet under Bush? Hey, I don't think you ever answered my question about how Carson and the rest of the idiots are going to pay for more wars. Will it be with more tax cuts and unicorn farts, like that time GWB paid for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with tax cuts on the rich? I'm excited by all their exciting plans for cutting taxes again on billionaires. I can't wait to see how that will lower our national debt, just like when Reagan and Bush cut taxes on the wealthiest people.

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So three people were killed under Clinton, and 3000 were killed under Bush, and that makes it OK to cut taxes on the wealthy to pay for two wars? You probably have no idea how much those wars cost, do you? So far, the Iraq war alone has cost over $2 trillion, and the eventual cost of the war is expected to reach $4 trillion. How did we pay for it? Duh...Bush cut taxes on the wealthy, so he could borrow money from the Chinese, so the middle class could pay the interest on the money we were borrowing to wage war, and keep the billionaire class happy. Since Republicans all worship the wealthy so much, you should positively adore Obama, since they got so much richer under his presidency. The tripling of the stock market had a little something to do with that. It must really chafe your ass that the stock market has tripled under his two terms, unemployment has fallen from 10% to 5%, and house values have gone back up. This happened in spite of Republicans blocking his every move. Imagine if you'd acted like normal people?

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So the wars were paid for with both unicorn farts AND tax cuts on the rich, then?

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I've got good news and bad news.

The bad news is your Obama Derangement Syndrome is terminal. The good news is you won't be around to suffer through President Obama's third term.

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He should borrow Sara Palins library card....Oops she dosent have one either....Oh well facts smacks...who needs em..Just make em up as you go along...The base will eat anything he puts in their bowl and ask for seconds.

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Carson does stupid real good.

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Weird how deficits have been dropping for years under Obama. Also weird how he included the wars in his spending, whereas Bush kept it off the books so it would get paid for with tax cuts. I'm surprised someone as well informed as you are wouldn't know that Bush had NO plan for paying for the wars he started.

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Outnumbered as a Conservative? Sorry, but 48% of voters are still stupid enough to believe that cutting taxes on the wealthy will benefit them. Also, you seem to be under the impression that there was a democratic Congress when Bush was president. From 2000 until 2006 Republicans controlled all three branches of government. This is a fact that all your wishful thinking won't change.

So Obama was Affirmative Action, but Carson is just smart? Yeah, sure, and I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Carson is a fucking idiot, which his own advisers have admitted. He's dropping in the polls because people are realizing he's a total moron with no idea how government works, much like what happened to Sarah Palin and Herman Cain, two other freaking idiots that the GOP thought would be capable of running the country.

Like most Republicans, you have no idea what the Community Reinvestment Act said, or what it did. What it said was "banks can't discriminate against people with good credit and jobs who want to buy in minority neighborhoods." Banks used to redline districts and not give loans in certain neighborhoods. The fact that you blame Jimmy Carter for something that happened TWENTY SIX FUCKING YEARS after he left office tells me you're a moron who thinks Fox "News" is actual news. Even the most right wing blogs dropped that bullshit after it was widely debunked. If you want to know which fucking idiot wanted to give everyone with a heartbeat a house, you can read this speech and it will give you a hint as to who was behind The American Dream Downpayment Act:http://georgewbush-whitehou...

http://www.nytimes.com/2008...Remember Ben Bernanke, the REPUBLICAN Federal Reserve Chairman appointed by George W. Bush? Here's what he said when asked during a congressional hearing if the Community Reinvestment Act caused the bank collapse. "NO." I guess he's part of the Liberal media cabal who just wanted to make George W. Bush look like the incompetent idiot he was. The fact that you blame Jimmy Carter for the repeal of Glass Steagall, The Gramm Leech Bliley Act (written by three Republicans) that happened twenty years after he left office tells me you're someone who has no grasp of actual facts, and no interest in learning facts. Just keep voting to cut those "entitlements" that you think YOU are entitled to, but nobody else is. I'm sure young Americans are going to LOVE paying for your Social Security and Medicare, but they don't get any because Republicans need to cut taxes on the wealthy again.

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Oh, and by the way, when Mitt Romney was talking about the 47% of bums who are mooches, you know who he was talking about? Old people and kids: http://www.politifact.com/p...

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An igneous comment, for sure.

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Ohm gonna predict that great things will come of this...

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The tribal leaders who created the Iroquois Confederacy or the nobles who wrote the Magna Carta?

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