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<i>"I don’t believe that anybody gets to change the definition of something that is a societal pillar.”</i>

Carson doesn't get to define those pillars either. He clearly doesn't understand America. America is the people who show up. They show up for work, for military service, to volunteer, to vote, to add their voice.

And families evolve to face every problem first. Drugs, environment, education, health, economy, war, crime, guns. Some families survive, some break. All of them change. If Carson doesn't like that kind of change, he needs to join a different reality.

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<em>"I don’t think I can impose my will on any two consenting adults."</em>

Ah, so not only are you a bigot you're also pants-on-head stupid too. Good to know.

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Coincidence that the Muslin looking Robertson patriarch is down with the child brides? I think not.

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That may well be true about the degree. We can all think of that one doctor we know who is a complete tool.

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We're just not lucky enough to have Doc Carson nominated as a Republican candidate for President.

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Won't anybody think of the chickens?

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