For real! What did Ben Sisko ever do to you DerrickWildcat, to earn that comparison?

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"...what they call a civilization jihad..."

OK, I googled "civilization jihad," and the only links for that phrase go to Glenn Beck's website, World Net Daily, Newsmax, creepingjihad dot com and other equally fair, well-informed and objective news sources.

So who is calling what "civilization jihad," other than Dr. Ben and his fellow morons?

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But my sky daddy has Space Disneyland.

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And subsequent secondary motto is "Well, you can, but gotta keep it on the D-lo"

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So were Hermann Cain and Michele Bachmann. As if after those two even more proof was needed that the GOP is out of their collective minds.

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If there's any stabbing to be done, he should fall on his own sword.

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Heh, heh… (s)he said "cock."

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No one will admit to it. Seriously.

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One infinity can be smaller than another, so the number of inhabited worlds can still be infinite, or so I've been told by the mathematically inclined. Anything more complicated than the Pythagorean theorem turns my brain into mush, and not in the good way.

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The United States does not have a "Judeo-Christian foundation", it has no religious foundation whatsoever.Based on the people who say it does, it must at least have a creepy spider and snake infested crawl-space.

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He sounds like he already has.

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Tomorrow a muslim is going to do a scalpel jihad on my body. He just isn't satisfied with last years jihad and demands a second try. Worse yet they won't let me wear my crucifix while he does his evil deed.

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"Let's investigate it" is his entire campaign. Which is a nice way of saying, I don't know the answer, I don't have a position, and I need time to see what position will be popular, and this is how I say it while sounding like a smart surgeon guy."

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Surgery sucks, but I suppose it's better than the alternative. :-S

Hope it goes smoothly, and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Right? After 8 years of dealing with the assholes on the Hill, I'd be wolfing popcorn, guzzling an adult beverage and binge-watching just about everything.

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Maybe Wingnut African Surgeon Philosopher?

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