So Fox & Friends is employing the "soft bigotry of low expectations" when it comes to Carson not knowing the basics of his job 2 years in. (Give him a break! He's still learning!) Yet they don't find it odd at all that Ayanna Pressley, on the job for just 4 months, would already know way more than Carson?

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Has Carson done any furniture shopping lately?

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I can't even find any snark because he so very pathetic. Sitting there like a petulant child and extremely proud of his ignorance. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer but how much can one be expected to take?

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It is totally worth watching Pressley's video. She is a badass and Carson is simply an asshole. Wow! That guy is unbelievable.

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The word "smarmy" comes to mind when watching Carson's insipid face.

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Completely OT, but you just reminded me that when we were with the kids this weekend, someone made reference to the "akimbo meat machetes" in Gangs of New York. I told them Akimbo Meat Machetes was the name of my new metal band. Thank you, Wonkette, for helping me make them laugh.

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Also, too, sell that $31k dining set for charity, and give him one of these:http://mibreviews.com/wp-co...

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Memo to self: Try to go to Cannes next year....

I mean...how awful!

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He taught me so much at an early age, bluntly, with no holds barred, and I'm forever grateful to him for that. He put me on the right track.

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Dude, that ugly-ass midcentury modern shit is super hot right now and could sell for a ton in the right markets.

This is what he deserves: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The acronym Carson needs to learn is GTFO

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laypeople don't need to know those acronyms. but the person in charge of the department should

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Those chairs are hideous.

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I thought Trump was "Stumpy" but perhaps that should be Carson's nickname

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Well, the _bracelet_ will probably survive.

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