I'd argue that Reagan was the one who brought in the kind of crazies that even Goldwater would have rejected. Palin is a scavenger on Reagan's achievement.

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I like this analogy so much I want to gay marry it.

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Or where Afghanistan is.

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Actually, that may not even be true.

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Absolutely. Eye-hand coordination, fast reflexes, and good 3-D visualization are the fundamental requirements for a surgeon.

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W's daddy issues?

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Please do!

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Like, such as?

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Banned, but comment left up for Wonkers' amusement

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Seriously, what is with that? He reminds me of my toddler son trying to stay awake.

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Truly. When I see video after video of the candidates just like this one, my liberal brain says, "pheww, theres no way somebody could support a guy that dumb." But what I'm quickly coming to realize in my jaded old age, is that it doesn't matter what dumb shit they say. American politics with the two party system is a sports event, it's a gladiator show. It doesn't matter how awful your respective team is doing, you're still going to root for them in the end. And to be honest, I'm just as guilty in playing along, whether it's Bernie, Hillary, or Joe, I'm going to vote to the left, because at least it'll keep one of those considerably worse morons on the right out of office.


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video? Never heard about this

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As far as I know, there's no video of the tooth loss, but there's apparently a photo of him seeing the tooth on his plate and some of him speaking with the missing teeth (and he referenced it in the speech) - http://talkingpointsmemo.co...

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All of them, Katie.

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