Fresh off his explanation of how Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery and also claiming that food stamps helped his mom get out of poverty but government assistance just makes other people lazy, Dr.
Yeah, because the USAPATRIOT act was only around for a couple of short months, and never added to or anything, and the NSA isn't building the world's scariest data farm in the desert or anything. Completely one-off and over on the day.
Will you listen? You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America. You have to be someone who reads. Who is well-read.
Dr. Ben is too smart to question <a href="http:\/\/\/politics\/quotes\/alinsky.asp" target="_blank">what shows up in his e-mail inbox</a>.
ETA - whoops, Tundra Grifter got there first. I&#039;ll leave the hyperlink for the profoundly bored.
Armstrong Williams?? The same guy from the <i>No Child Left Behind</i> controversy, who was outed as taking payola, basically contracturally obligated to make that shitty Bush policy look good, especially to, you know, those people? <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Good to know he&#039;s still in the turd polishing biz, shining up Ben Carson real nice.
&quot;You have to be someone who reads. Who is well-read. I want you to go back tonight and pull out what Saul Alinsky says about health care under the control of the government.&rdquo;
OK - I give up. What did Mr. Alinsky &quot;say&quot; (ie, write) about health care under the control of the government? I hate it when somebody tries to tell a joke and forgets the punchline.
I have health insurance through my job. Last week my wife needed an MRI because of a possible tumor. While we waited a couple days for results from the radiologist, I thought this is when husbands, wives, parents, children want to quit their job to take care of a loved one. Yet that is when the job and health insurance are needed the most. In our system the perverse incentive is to keep working when you may want desperately to spend more time with that person.
With Obamacare I have the option to have health insurance without my job. Because during those few days of worry, that is exactly what my personal family values told me to do. Somehow that offends Republicans and Ben Carson and their cohorts. So fuck them. Fuck them.
Fortunately, it turns out it was <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=OaTO8_KNcuo&amp\;feature=kp" target="_blank">not a tumor</a>.
So Doc Carson wants us to be well read and learn what Mr. Alinsky had to say about government health care.
Quelle surprise! According to Snopes, Mr. Alinsky didn&#039;t have anything to say about government health care. A crackpot chain Internets email claimed he did - but that was just a re-write of a 1950&#039;s &quot;Communist Rules for Revolution&quot; that was just as bogus.
No wonder Carson&#039;s book (and Col. Allen West&#039;s) are full of spurious &quot;quotes.&quot; These guys don&#039;t do any real research. They just copy it off the &#039;Web, like a blogger in her bunny slippers.
Yeah, because the USAPATRIOT act was only around for a couple of short months, and never added to or anything, and the NSA isn&#039;t building the world&#039;s scariest data farm in the desert or anything. Completely one-off and over on the day.
you forgot ben carson.
Will you listen? You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America. You have to be someone who reads. Who is well-read.
Dr. Ben is too smart to question <a href="http:\/\/\/politics\/quotes\/alinsky.asp" target="_blank">what shows up in his e-mail inbox</a>.
ETA - whoops, Tundra Grifter got there first. I&#039;ll leave the hyperlink for the profoundly bored.
Again with the critical thinking. You need to stop trying to apply logic to these morons.
and a trail of tears to be named later
An isolated 9/11 incident ... yes, it all makes sense now.
Between Louis Gohmert and Saul Alinsky, we have pretty much everything covered.
Armstrong Williams?? The same guy from the <i>No Child Left Behind</i> controversy, who was outed as taking payola, basically contracturally obligated to make that shitty Bush policy look good, especially to, you know, those people? <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Good to know he&#039;s still in the turd polishing biz, shining up Ben Carson real nice.
KKK Bieber
Yes. Because big government librulizms always dismantle labor unions on their way to demonizing <strike>Jews Muslims</strike> POWs.
Does anyone remember what sort of false comparisons shitbucket politicians would claim things were &quot;worse than&quot; before we had 9/11?
Probably Hitler, right.
I wonder what sorts of tragedies were cynically exploited by shitbuckets for emotional manipulative purposes before there was Hitler?
&quot;You have to be someone who reads. Who is well-read. I want you to go back tonight and pull out what Saul Alinsky says about health care under the control of the government.&rdquo;
OK - I give up. What did Mr. Alinsky &quot;say&quot; (ie, write) about health care under the control of the government? I hate it when somebody tries to tell a joke and forgets the punchline.
I have health insurance through my job. Last week my wife needed an MRI because of a possible tumor. While we waited a couple days for results from the radiologist, I thought this is when husbands, wives, parents, children want to quit their job to take care of a loved one. Yet that is when the job and health insurance are needed the most. In our system the perverse incentive is to keep working when you may want desperately to spend more time with that person.
With Obamacare I have the option to have health insurance without my job. Because during those few days of worry, that is exactly what my personal family values told me to do. Somehow that offends Republicans and Ben Carson and their cohorts. So fuck them. Fuck them.
Fortunately, it turns out it was <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=OaTO8_KNcuo&amp\;feature=kp" target="_blank">not a tumor</a>.
So Doc Carson wants us to be well read and learn what Mr. Alinsky had to say about government health care.
Quelle surprise! According to Snopes, Mr. Alinsky didn&#039;t have anything to say about government health care. A crackpot chain Internets email claimed he did - but that was just a re-write of a 1950&#039;s &quot;Communist Rules for Revolution&quot; that was just as bogus.
No wonder Carson&#039;s book (and Col. Allen West&#039;s) are full of spurious &quot;quotes.&quot; These guys don&#039;t do any real research. They just copy it off the &#039;Web, like a blogger in her bunny slippers.
Nothing is worse than Nickelback.