I recently read what Frederick Douglass wrote about his life as a slave, and Ben Carson is an asshole who obviously never has read that...or anything else about the reality of slavery for that matter.

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At first I was confused — Ben Carson is alive? Thought he died of COVID-19. Then I remembered I mixed him up with the other GQP Uncle, Herman Cain.

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Same , although in our defence Carson always seems one eye blink away from death

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There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.

A lot of them had a dream that if they jumped off the slave ships, their souls would be brought back to Mother Africa. Fuck off and go back to sleep, Ben.

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My work here is done.

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Good god. As if kidnapped black people from Africa knew all about "the American dream" while stuffed into the hold of a ship. First of all, there was no USA in 1619. Second, the actual American dream was to have generations of free labor. Which they sure as hell got.

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You're hilarious! <mordant laughter>

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He got famous by taking on cases other, more rational doctors judged to be hopeless. Turns out those other doctors were correct. His most famous case (the conjoined twins) left one of the twins in a permanent vegetative state and the order one profoundly disabled. Their mother later went on record as regretting the surgery.

Google “Ben Carlson malpractice” for more information.

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“I got mine, fuck the rest of you” - the Republican credo

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"Accommodations" is such a...word...in this context, isnt it?

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Looking at you, Clarence Thomas.

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Pretty sure that Africans were the only "immigrants" who arrived in slave ships. Everyone else chose to come here.

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Wait, you're html-ing your returns? Why not just hit the Return/Enter key twice?

The thing it's doing more of lately that's driving me nuts is telling me I have new responses and then not showing me anything new. I have to log out and back in to see what it's on about. On the plus side, it's stopped making me pick pix to prove I'm human and just pretends I did with a wink.

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Wait. You mean master selling off the wife and kids was less detrimental to the family unit than welfare? I did not know that , Ben.

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Does Carson realize that if he were a slave, then all the money he earned would go to his owner?

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But all lives can't matter UNTIL Black Lives Matter.

And we're not there yet.

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