Uh, hello, EBT does not pay for prepared foods. You literally cannot go out to dinner on it. You can't even pick up deli fried chicken at the grocery store with it.

If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the hell up.

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If they've budgeted for steak in their EBT, why do you care? Maybe they just got a job. Maybe the biopsy came back negative. Being poor is tough enough without living a life of no little pleasures, ever.

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All I've ever seen and heard from Conservatives is that they tell it how it is. Their the ones that wanted to get to the truth on Benghazi, Eric Holders fast & furious gun running, Hilary Clinton ' emails, etc.. Liberals are the ones that hide out like trolls releasing news statements conveniently on Friday late afternoons to avoid scrutiny. Who invented the fake Global warming idea? If Conservatives are the worst communicators, then why all this hush hush stuff from the prez and his cronies?

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I see them buying ribeye steak!

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It's his own money. Duh! F---in Duh! If you don't care, then why don't you give us some.

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It's so noble how they "wanted to get the word out" on all of those issues that they hoped would politically harm their opponents.

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The government has the ability to means-test people that you and I DON'T. It cuts down significantly on con artists and sob stories because the government actually can look at their taxes and their bank accounts, their job histories and say yes or no.

For me, food stamps made a huge difference in my life. There were times without them when I would go to bed hungry, wake up in the middle of the night hungry. It's hard to work like that- it's hard to function like that. I was grateful for them every day. And I don't mind one bit paying taxes for them and donating good, yummy food to food banks now.

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No where did I mention EBT nor prepared foods. Per the thread and the person I replied to, who was not you, my post spoke about the whether one had the right to go out to dinner while on welfare not the actual ability to do so.

If you have problems with reading comprehension or conceptual thinking you should refrain from commenting on something you don't understand until you improve those abilities.

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I think it is you who is high!

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Oh, good God...the myth of the Welfare Queen. Please, silly anecdotal stuff is proof of exactly nothing.

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Carson is not fit for the office, but TRUMP? Really? A narcissistic, self-important,spoiled, self-centered ignoramus who has the vocabulary and demeanor of afourth grade bully boy? THAT’S YOUR pick?

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Enthusiasm for Trump is more about the idea of a non-establishmentcandidate than it is about the actual man. His supporters (and those on the fence) can see how much the entrenched professional beltway creatures are disturbed by the idea of him ruining their scam. A lot of Americans are ready for the them to be put on notice, they don't think we see what they're doing, but we do. The two-party system is fake, Trump points that out and they go into panic mode. Both sides of the Uniparty unamiously agree that their positions of power and privilege are the top priority in their lives. Once a pol of either party reaches a certain level no other goal matters, only holding on to that privilege matters. And whether the next president is a Dem or a GOPe they'll all still have their privilege as long as it's not Trump. They need an establishment insider to win so that things can go on for them just as they have been. What happens to the nation is of secondary (or even tertiary concern, or less)

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Not true...when we did street theater the poorer folks always tipped more..

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You are sadly delusional.

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You're an Alex Jones fan, aren't you? I recognize the paranoia. Do yourself a big favor and do some actual research rather than swallow everything Glenn Beck & Fox "News" vomit out daily. Go to REPUTABLE sites; not "Breitbart" or Newsmax. There are thousands of respected sites and aggregators out there that are not floating on piles of crap. When you figure out what the real statistics are, re "welfare," the first thing you will probably see is that the majority of people who are on public assistance are white. If you are contrite, you'll come back and apologize to all the good people who only want the same chances Ben Carson had throughout his life.

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Brilliantly put Zannah. Every bright spot is important and the working poor have so few, they SHOULD buy ribeye's if they can. .

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