"Can we all agree that black Republicans are, at the very least, a wee bit odd?"

Same with gay Republicans. And female Republicans. And poor Republicans. And...ok, all republicans other than wealthy white men.

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hell, we even gave them last names. how many africans share a last name with a beloved talk show host? ingrates.

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"Hearts, hearts, BRING ME HEARTS!!!!!" -- Dick Cheney

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so that's why ancestry.com shows a leif on my family tree

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**Never mind how actually the parties switched places on a lot of things, especially racial issues, after a Democratic president passed the Civil Rights Act.**

That's history. Fanatics are rarely, if ever, fans.

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One of the merchants in the small town where I live gives $2 bills in change regularly; it's kind of a local business signature. Picturing his store as a bordello gave me an early-morning laugh.

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I just love how the GOPbagger imply, if not outright blame the deficit on Obama and the Democrats, completely ignoring the fact that some very notable Republican Presidents as well as GOP-lead legislatures have had a very large hand in it as well.

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"Guns N Moses" was worse

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Let's put Dr Carson on the $3 bill!!!!1!1!


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What do the dems plan to do about it? I could let go on some social issues if progressives would actually try and balance that budget. To anyone with any scientific thinking there are only a few important issues: nuclear proliferation, global warming (if they buy it), our national debt, and terrorism. These are existential, and trump social issues every time. (why do you think the gop never elects social conservatives like huckabee, nor the democrats BLM activists?)

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That may no longer be true, so long as there is not a major war, america is tired of debt.

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Do you have any idea how bad this is? $60,000 in debt per person. thats a years salary for upper middle class! That's not enslavement?

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Tell that to your Republican buddies, the debt always increases under them, Clinton balanced the budget.

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Chalk it up. Not chock.

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Isn't most of our current debt the cost of the war on terror and the bush tax cuts?

Sure seems like rolling back those tax cuts could do a lot for the cause.

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There is ample evidence that suggests surgeons are not always intelligent.

See Oz, Mehmet, Dr.

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