I'll make an attempt at his explanation:

"Every voter goes into the booth, closes their eyes and waves their stylus over the ballot and prays until Jesus stops their hand over the right names. Then the Electoral College meets, puts all the candidates' names on slips of paper in a hat, throws the hat into the air and sees which one Jesus has chosen as the next POTUS."

So simple!

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My grade 10 Social Studies teacher explained it better. The general class consensus was "that's a stupid way to run a superpower"

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But Ben Carson is so pro Israel. He will make Jerusalem the capitol of Israel and finish off Palestine for the Jews. He will make sure Jews in the 1 percent get their tax breaks back. He will put boots on the ground to protect Israel and nuke Iran. He is just what AIPAC wants.He will make their lives so easy and the Jew can continue on with their plans for world dominationm running online gambling, making megabucks in the pornograpy industry, and the Mossad can do as many false flags necessary to start wars everywhere. He is our man people. Who cares if he had a slip of the tongue.

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Ted's felching Likud because the entire invented in the 19th Century endtimes narrative says the Jews have to rebuild the Temple for the rest of the prophecy to fall into place.

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Not surprisingly Uncle Ben also thinks the US is the greatest beacon for democracy and human rights in the world the same way Israel is and damn you blame 'Murica first liberals for saying otherwise :closes sound proof door for current torture session for a detainee:

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Sure. I was using diaspora in the technical sense of Jews living as a distinct minority in courtiries outside of Israel/Palestine.

While it's often used in the manner you suggest, it wasn't my intention to use it that way.

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You'd think the big 3 networks might be focusing on this a little more NOW, considering this wackaloon is one of the frontrunners on the GOP side for the most important office in the country. It's like the "liberal" mainstream media has just plain decided to give up challenging any outrageous notion put forward by anybody with an "R" next to their party affiliation. Cowards and sell-outs, all of 'em.

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Skin color didn't matter until Obama fucked things up by being elected President, according to Ben. This fabulation makes Star Wars look like an even handed historical narrative.

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Sell-outs, mostly. The GOP primary process is terrific low cost entertainment that makes reality TV shows seem to be cost centers, not profit centers.

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"I concluded that there are vital lessons that can be drawn from the Holocaust’s senselessness and savagery."

That is some high bar right there. And by no small measure of incredulity, it's even marginally higher than the one Carson set last week.

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THAT is a good clarification!

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Hey, now. US murica became great displacing and slaughtering indigenous populations. We owe our allies no less of an opportunity.

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“Why don’t they just adopt the system we have?”

This is insane on so many levels. Israel is just one of dozens of new countries established over the past century, and not one of them has opted for a presidential system of government. Apart from a few Latin-American states founded in the 19th century, no one has sought to emulate the U.S. model. Ben probably thinks the rest of the world will ditch the metric system also too.

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Is this close enough?


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"the the Jewish state embodies many of the same aspects that make the United States the greatest nation in the world: commitment to human rights, religious liberty for all citizens, the rule of law,"

Did Carson somehow miss the way Israel treats the Palestinians? Um, they kind of have the opposite of a commitment to human rights; and they definitely hate religious liberty.

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