Is Jesus saying,"Ben, the sauna just got all cold. Can you fix it."?

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He is making it nice for when Jesus comes to visit in his bathrobe.

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For fuck's sake, there's places in the US where you can buy a house for less than the cost of that goddamn table set.Ben Carson should be fucking fired, fined for at least the amount spent on the furniture, and barred from politics.

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I suspect he's also fixing to eventually have that dining set moved to his house.

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How much was a fork?

Don't forget, its a table 'and chairs". A set that doubles as an ironing board and paper football field. Looking at it like that, we just got like half fucked.

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Judah Ben Griftering.

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You know, if he wants to blow $200 grand on decorating his office, let 'im. It can come out of his own fucking pocket, though. And when he leaves (or gets kicked out), he can take it with him, or donate it to the office or Goodwill or some bogus fuckin' charity he created through a couple of shell companies so that he can keep the furniture and get a tax write-off. Because the latter is the kind of behavior this group has led me to expect.

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... and as if by magic, a new Porsche 911 Turbo ($162,850 MSRP) and Honda Pilot ($31,875 MSRP) appears! Halleluja!

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Which one?

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Eat with the peons/civil servants/unwashed masses? HEELLLLLLL NO!

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And by "bong hit" you mean "self-lobotomy"?

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"Lemme go work on those" - Pruitt and Zinke

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I'm a great aunt and for lent I am struggling to stop using f bombs. The struggle is real. Most recent with DIsqus dazzling me, after I have owned computers since the days of the 8088 and DOS. At any rate the orange one and his suck-ups have me sputtering them still.

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Give Ben Carson a break! He stand for very important things like a profound appreciation of history. He believes the pyramids of Giza were built by Joseph as granaries against the Seven Lean Years. I don't know how that compares with the idea that they were built with extraterrestrial help, but then I don't know as much as Ben Carson does.I can only shout aloud once more, "Give him a break!"

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You have to love this rationalization...it will last 50 years

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Well, he is a brain surgeon.

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